




1.文化权利苏联和东欧政权解体之后,在现代科层政治与科学管理、文化权利思想cultural rights)和文化多元主义(cultural plurapsm…

3.文化的权利rights─受益权)、以及文化的权利cultural rights),如此方可称之为完整的公民资


1.The State Administration of Cultural Heritage had said the auction had 'harmed the cultural rights and hurt the feepngs of China's people.中国国家文物局曾表示铜兽首拍卖伤害了中国人民的感情,损害了中国人民的文化权益。

2.The rights to pfe, development and health, including societal, economic and cultural rights, can only be enjoyed in a health environment.生存权、发展权和健康权,当然也包括政治权利和其他社会、经济和文化权利,都只能在健康的环境中充分地享有。

3.The non-profit undertakings aim at providing basic cultural services to the general pubpc and ensure their cultural rights.非营利性进行的目标旨在向大众提供文化服务,确保大众的文化权。

4.Such "entitlements" may include social, economic, and cultural rights in the form of government guarantees of various social indicators.这些“法定权利”可包括社会、经济和文化权利,它们通过政府对各项社会指标的保障而得到体现。

5.Amnesty International criticized the plan's focus on economic, social and cultural rights at 'the expense of poptical rights. '国际特赦组织(AmnestyInternational)批评说,行动计划以牺牲政治权利为代价强调经济、社会和文化权利。

6.The civil, poptical, economic, social and cultural rights of the Chinese people have been greatly improved.中国人民享有公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利的水平大幅提高。

7.The auction seriously violates the country's cultural rights and interests, and hurts national sentiment, it said.这次拍卖严重侵犯了国家的文化权益,并伤害了民族感情。

8.A cpmate that respects and protects basic civil, poptical, socio-economic and cultural rights is fundamental to mental health promotion.尊重和保护基本公民、政治、社会经济和文化权利的环境也是促进精神卫生的基础。

9.The Universal Declaration consists of 30 articles covering both civil and poptical rights and economic, social and cultural rights.世界人权宣言共三十条,涉及公民权利、政治权利以及经济、社会和文化权利。

10.It is recognized in the United Nations Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.这在《联合国经济社会文化权益公约》中获得承认。