




1.涂防晒霜 sunsreen 防晒霜 wear sunscreen 涂防晒霜 after-sun lotion/gel 晒后啫哩 ...

2.注意防晒 ... Step 2 Eat and drink 注意饮食 Step 3 Wear sunscreen 注意防晒 Step 4 Try natural remedies 自然护肤 ...

3.涂抹防晒霜 ... Step 5 Drink healthy5. 健康的饮料 Step 6 Wear sunscreen6. 涂抹防晒霜 ...

4.记着擦防晒霜 ... Wear sunscreen. 记着擦防晒霜。 Do one thing every day that scares you. 每天做一件让自己后怕的事 …


1.I make sure to wear sunscreen everyday, but have always been frustrated with the thick, greasy feel of many other sun screens.我每天都要涂防晒霜,但大多数的防晒霜太厚太腻,让人失望。

2.Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.如果我要给你一点劝告,我要说防晒霜。

3.When it comes to defending yourself from the harmful effects of sun damage, the message has been the same for years: Wear sunscreen daily.关于如何保护皮肤免受日光照射的危害,每年的重点要求都是同样的一条:每天涂抹防晒霜。

4.My husband can wear sunscreen, but he doesnt pke to wear it, because if he wears it he cant touch me.我老公可以涂防晒霜,但是他不喜欢涂,因为他如果涂了防晒霜就不能碰我了。

5."Wear sunscreen with pcensing insulation paint, " won the 2001 National Consumer Goods Fair Gold Medal outstanding new products.“威尔顺牌防晒隔热漆”荣获2001全国消费品博览会优秀新产品金奖。

6.People wear sunscreen to prevent damage from sunrays but unfortunately they may be causing more harm than good.涂抹防晒霜本来是为了保护皮肤防止紫外线的,但带来的弊端可能远远大于益处。

7.And remember to wear sunscreen during the winter.此外,在冬天也要记得涂防晒霜。

8.I got sensitive skin, I cant wear sunscreen on my skin, so I have to protect myself with special SPF30 clothes.我是敏感皮肤,我不能涂防晒霜,所以我不得不穿用能够起到防晒作用的材料做的衣服。

9.Babies older than six months can wear sunscreen.六个月以上大的小孩可以使用防晒霜。

10.Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99. Wear sunscreen.99届的女士们先生们。请涂防晒霜。