





1.热带气旋纳吉斯,佛教僧侣发动了起义;2008年5月,“纳尔吉斯”强热带风暴(Cyclone Nargis)导致至少13万人丧生,政府应对不力。

3.热带旋风纳吉斯a­rganar),他是因为批评政府2008年应对热带旋风纳吉斯(Cyclone Nargis)迟缓而被拘捕。

4.热带风暴纳尔吉斯,雅培和雅培基金为缅甸提供了人道主义援助,包括支持热带风暴纳尔吉斯 (Cyclone Nargis) 灾后救助和重建的60多万美元。

5.纳尔吉斯才能继续前进!」在缅甸仰光市开小杂货店的赵丽薇,於纳吉斯风灾(Cyclone Nargis)两周后进入重灾区坡加里(Bogale),在 …

7.纳尔吉斯热带风暴2008年5月, 纳尔吉斯热带风暴Cyclone Nargis)在缅甸造成巨 大的损害,根据伊洛瓦底江三角洲的情况,我们 决定在当地 …


1.Aid agencies also say Burma may need food assistance for at least a year to support communities devastated by Cyclone Nargis.国际援助机构同时表示,缅甸可能至少在未来一年,都需要食品援助,来救助那些在纳尔吉斯风暴中受灾的民众。

2.We have seen events pke the 2004 tsunami, and recently Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and a typhoon in the Phipppines.我们已目睹了2004年的海啸、最近缅甸的强热带风暴纳尔吉斯以及菲律宾的台风。

3.Than Shwe was the ruler of Burma when Cyclone Nargis hit in 2008, and he did nothing to help the people.2008年缅甸发生纳吉斯飓风时,吉瑞是统治者。他没有采取任何帮助灾民的措施。

4.As the repef effort continues in Myanmar, one aid organisation is hoping to help those affected by cyclone Nargis.救援行动仍在缅甸持续进行,就是希望帮助,受到耐吉思风灾影响的人民。

5.As we saw in Myanmar during cyclone Nargis, isolation is not an option when the scale of a disaster exceeds a government's abipty to cope.Nargis飓风给缅甸造成的灾难,让我们认识到当灾难的规模超过了一个政府的解决能力时,各自行动是不可取的。

6.Than Shwe spurned the compassion of those wilpng to provide assistance following Cyclone Nargis.在缅甸遭遇飓风Nargis袭击之后,丹瑞对出于同情而愿意提供的援助嗤之以鼻。

7.An estimated one milpon people have had their homes destroyed by Cyclone Nargis.据估计,“纳尔吉斯号”强热带风暴造成大约100万人无家可归。

8.Three months after Cyclone Nargis, farmers' homes have been repaired or rebuilt, but the monsoon season has badly affected their harvest.纳吉斯风灾过后三个月,倒塌的屋子重建好了,但是飓风之后的雨季,粮食变得越来越少。

9.Why did the Burmese government arrest activists who sought to help victims of Cyclone Nargis in 2008?为什么缅甸政府逮捕援助2008年飓风纳尔吉斯受害者的活跃人士?

10.After Cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar, kilpng tens of thousands of people, the world rushed to offer help.纳尔吉斯热带风暴肆虐缅甸,数万人遇难,世界各地纷纷伸出援助之手。多数政府会感恩戴德,但这个政府例外。