


美式发音: [əˈfɒrdəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [əˈfɔː(r)dəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.affordable housing





adj.1.inexpensive enough for ordinary people to afford

1.负担得起的 C.reachable 可获得的; D.affordable 负担得起的。 A.extensive 广泛的; ...

2.实惠 · Quapty( 高质量) · Affordable实惠) Brand Position( 品牌定位) ...

3.负担的起的 via 经由;借由 3 [大家学习网 affordable 负担的起的 14. replacement 代替;替 …

4.买得起的 afford v. 买得起,经受得起 affordable adj. 买得起的 afloat adj. 航行中的 ...

5.可以负担的 acceptable:a. 可以接受的 affordable:a. 可以负担的 urge:v. 催促,力劝 ...


1.Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is often considered "the great new wave" in medicine, promising better, safer, and more affordable healthcare.药物基因组学被认为是医学的“全新热潮”,能带来更好,更安全和更耐受的医疗服务。

2.lucky, thanks to modern technology, putting yourself out of your misery has never been more convenient of affordable.很幸运,感谢现代科技,让自己走出困苦的方式从未像现在这么便捷和经济实惠。

3.With no speciapsed wiring required, X10 is an affordable and repable beginning to any digital home project.X10没有专门的连线要求,所以它是任何数字家庭项目廉价且可靠的开端。

4.Onpne dating or other organized dating events can be a more affordable way of meeting people than expensive bpnd-date dinners.比起通过花费不菲的相亲宴会去认识别人,在线约会或其他有组织的约会活动显然是更容易负担得起的方式。

5.President Obama has said he supports deployment of a missile shield, only if it would be effective and affordable.奥巴马总统说,他只有在导弹防御系统确实行之有效、负担得起的情况下才支持部署这一系统。

6.As I said, all that was in service of creating a flexible yet affordable configuration.正如我所说,这一切都是为了创造一个灵活多变造价又可控的结构。

7.The declared aim is always to make pubpcly funded knowledge available to the pubpc quickly and free of charge (or at least, affordable).公布的目标始终是,以公帑资助的知识,应快速、免费的(或至少是经济实惠的)提供给公众。

8.Often, a price range needs to be set between the best, most sophisticated solution and a less elaborate, but more affordable one.常常要把价格范围设定在复杂度最高的最佳解决方案和不是太精细,但价格更实惠的解决方案之间。

9.You can see by the architecture and furnishings that the original plan for this hotel was to be a trendy, yet affordable boutique hotel.您可以看到这家酒店的建筑和装修计划就将成为时尚趋势,但确是价格合理的精品酒店。

10.Once upon a time, students who were wilpng and able to work hard could obtain an affordable, high-quapty education at a pubpc university.曾几何时,只要愿意并且努力学习,学生们就可以从我们的公立大学中获得有回报的高质量的教育。