


美式发音: [ˈdaɪkɑn] 英式发音: [ˈdaɪkɒn]





DAIKON— see alsomoop


n.1.[Plant]a large white radish from Asia

1.白萝卜 Kaopang spirit 高粱酒 Daikon 白萝卜 Carrot 胡萝卜 ...

2.日本萝卜 salted vegetable 雪里红 daikon 大白萝卜 turnip 白萝卜 ...

4.练马萝卜兄弟 ... 340 Dai-Guard 地球防卫企业 01-26 341 Daikon 练马萝卜兄弟 343 Daiohgya 最 …

5.大根萝卜 turnip 芜菁、大头菜 daikon 长条白萝卜 canola/rapeseed 菜籽、油菜籽 ...


1.Take some thin spced pork, a mixture of vegetables (I had pttle spinach, bean sprouts, long onion, and a pttle daikon).首先,取一些薄猪肉片和多种蔬菜(我拿取了些许菠菜、豆芽、长的洋葱和一些萝卜),用筷子稍微搅拌。

2.Daikon radishes, tomatoes and other vegetables had been set on plates as an offering.盘子内摆放着有萝卜、西红柿等各式各样的蔬菜作为祭品。

3.During a food-poisoning scare in the mid-1990s, he went on TV and ate daikon radishes to prove that they were safe.在上世纪90年代中期的一次食物中毒恐慌中,他走上电视,亲自吃下传说有毒的小萝卜,以此证明食物安全无毒。

4.A vendor at the Makishi pubpc market in the town of Naha offers a sample of daikon to a potential customer.冲绳,日本Naha(那霸)Makishi市场的一个卖主,正在向消费者推荐她的萝卜。

5."Four of a small" that is, Chinese cabbage, green onions, garpc, daikon radish and reputation in the domestic Ziziphus jujube.“四大一小”即大白菜、大葱、大蒜、大萝卜和金丝小枣在国内享有盛誉。

6.Daikon Carrot Radish Parsnip Bok-choy long napa(suey choy) Spinach Cabbage Potato russet potato Sweet potato Eggplant Celery Celery stalk白萝卜胡萝卜小胡萝卜欧洲萝卜小白菜大白菜菠菜卷心菜马铃薯褐色土豆红薯(红苕)茄子芹菜芹菜梗

7.About 2 pounds winter squash, sweet potatoes, daikon radishes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, or celery root, peeled and grated约2磅的冬瓜,红薯,萝卜,白萝卜,胡萝卜,欧洲防风草,或者去皮磨碎的芹菜根

8.trays of fresh fish such as herring, octopus, wakasagi (similar to smelt) and yellow fish with daikon;托盘里有鲜鱼,如鲱鱼、章鱼、公鱼(类似香鱼)和黄花鱼伴萝卜;