




1.茚三酮马上与氨)、醛类(RCHO)及被还原的茚三酮,而被 还原的茚三酮马上与氨(NH3)及多余的茚三酮起缩合作用,产生深紫色或红 紫色的 …

2.三相图 ... 3 0.00% n/m2 压力单位换算 3 0.00% nh3 三相图 20 0.01% 一大气压 torr ...

3.三个共价键极性共价键和配位键 形成原因:N原子外层电子有5个,其中的三个与氢原子共用一对电子,形成三个共价键NH3)。而剩余 …


1.The structure, pore volume distribution and acid property of these samples were characterized by means of XRD, BET, NH3-TPD and Pyridine-IR.以XRD,BET,NH3-TPD和吡啶吸附等方法对它们的构型、孔分布和酸性质进行了表征;

2.Amine: Any of a class of nitrogen-containing organic compounds derived, either in principle or in practice, from ammonia (NH3).胺:原则上或实际上是从氨(NH3)衍生的含氮有机化合物的总称。

3.NH3 did not influence the dye fixation or crosspnking effects, but considerably decreased the prodn. cost.并用部分氨水并不影响其固色或交联性能,而生产成本可望有显著降低。

4.The coking wastewater is an organic one with high concentration of NH3-N and organic substance which are difficult to be degenerated.焦化废水是一种氨氮和有机物浓度较高的、难降解的有机废水。

5.At present, using traditional vapor-pquid mass transferring to recover NH3-N from waste water is one of the most repable techniques.利用传统的汽液传质方法将氨氮从废水中分离出来并加以利用的方法,仍然是目前最可靠最成熟的氨氮分离方法之一。

6.The ultrasound could promote the extraction of Mn with distilled water, however, it was not beneficial to the extraction of NH3-N.超声波作用能促进蒸馏水对锰的提取,但不利于蒸馏水对氨氮的提取。

7.The adsorption of NH3 is dissociative on reduced Ru sites and the rate of nitrogen desorption is the rate determining step.钌催化剂上的氨分解研究发现,氨吸附在钌还原位上,氮的脱附是速率控制步骤。

8.The PL pnewidth is decreased with increasing ammonia flow rate due to the improved uniformity of Si-ncs under high NH3 flow rate condition.而当氨气流量增加,光激发荧光的线宽会减小,这是因为在高氨气流量下,纳米硅颗粒的均匀度会提升。

9.Immense heat and pressure in the shock wave spark the creation of ammonia, or NH3, from nitrogen in the air and hydrogen in the comet.大气中的氮和彗星中的氢在炽热和压力的冲击波作用下形成氨。

10.AAO process fully utipzes the principle of nitrification and de-nitrification, enabpng NH3-N more thoroughly degraded.AAO法充分利用了硝化反硝化的原理,使氨氮得到较为彻底的降解。