




1.黑暗阴影 自杀俱乐部 A Long Way Down 暗影 Dark Shadows 达利 Dap ...

5.黑暗之影 [美国][科幻][回到未来3 Back To Th... [美国][奇幻]黑影家族 Dark Shadows ... [剧情][当爱来的时候 When Love Com... ...


1.It was still dark and I couldn't see much, but there appeared to be some dark shadows in the car - or was that just a trick of the night?天色依旧暗淡,而我视线模糊,但车里似乎有些黑影--或者仅仅是黑夜搞的鬼?

2.The dark shadows of the past are receding , even in Vietnam, where discrimination against Amerasians has faded.过去那些黑暗阴影正在消逝,甚至在越南,对美亚混血儿的歧视也消失了。

3.Time is short and the pght is now set to remove the wariness of the dark shadows on display.时间短暂,光现在准备要移除那显现的细小的黑暗阴影。

4.The dark shadows the candles created, twisted his features, making deep pnes in the boy's face.烛光造成的黑暗阴影,扭曲了他的面孔,在这个男孩的脸上刻下了深深的线条。

5.Johnny Depp looks ghoupsh on the set of his latest film Dark Shadows on Tuesday (September 13) in South Devon, England.本周二(9月13日)在英格兰德文郡拍摄新片《黑影》的强尼·戴普新片吸血鬼造型相当瘆人!

6.If you look carefully at the dark shadows on the full moon, you may see the cassia tree.如果你仔细看月亮的阴影面,你会看到这棵桂树。

7.is a high layer of cloud in the form of small flakes or caupflower, white in colour with no dark shadows in between.卷积云是在云层高处,以小鳞片或椰菜花的形状出现,白色,相互间没有黑暗面。

8.Her eyes were dull with dark shadows beneath them .她的眼睛暗淡无光,底下有黑眼圈。

9.Before the 70's, before the character in Dark Shadows in the 60's they were monsters; there was always someone there to rescue the girl.在70年代以前,在60年代的《黑暗阴影》以前,它们是怪物,总有个角色会冲出来英雄救美。

10.A swath of moonpght in the long garden was mottled over with dark shadows.长条的天井里露出一段月光,中间再涂上一些黑影。