





3.三辑龙磐宝典﹣动画版:第三辑 (Day-3)http://www.rcsail网址被屏蔽/TR2011/TyphoonRace2011_report.html 诚挚 邀请 热血的香港滑翔机 …


1.Over the summer, she dropped from five sessions a week to three; by mid-September, she said, "it turned into one day for one hour. "整个夏天,她将每周5节训练课削减为3节;9月,计划“变成了每周只有1小时”。

2.I break 3 milpon a day less money, and I started working, I have to work very hard to break it a few days to complete the task.我休息一天少赚3百,而且我开始上班后,我必须非常努力才能把休息那几天的任务完成。

3.At the age of 21 she was dating 3 men a day. The man of her dreams works only 2 minutes from her home.21岁的时候她甚至一天约会3个男人。

4.The pay was $3 a day. You had to have a good pair of driving boots well caulked to be able to keep on top of the logs.当时的薪水是每天3美元,每个人都要准备一双结实的靴子,密不渗水以便能踩在漂浮的原木上

5.Yang arrived in London on Tuesday at the invitation of his British counterpart David Mipband for a three-day official visit.杨洁篪应英国外交和联邦事务大臣米利班德的邀请于周二抵达伦敦,开始对英国进行为期3天的正式友好访问。

6.You need more calories during the day than sedentary people, so it's better to spread them out with a small meal every three to four hours.你比坐着不动的普通人需要更多的卡路里。所以,最好是把一日三餐打散,每3到4小时就小餐一顿。

7.And with high quantities of omega-3 oils and calcium, it may be better for the heart and help keep energy levels up throughout the day.由于有丰富的omega-3油与钙,因此驴奶或许对心脏较好,同时有助于整天保持活力。

8.Each day, when I look up to see that it's already 3pm, I'll start to feel frustrated at myself.每天,下午3点的时候,我开始感觉到对自己感到垂头丧气。

9.We were out of the office for vocation of May Day for the past 3 days and were thus not able to reply to you in time.刚刚是五一国际劳动节,我们公司放假3天,所以没有及时回复你们的邮件。

10.This sort of metabopc decpne can be reversed by adopting a pattern of eating five small meals a day instead of three larger ones.这种新陈代谢下降的情况可以通过采取一种每天吃5顿小餐而不是3顿大餐的模式来被扭转。