


网络释义:导弹驱逐舰;干酒糟(distillers dried grains);丹东(Dandong)


1.导弹驱逐舰 DAX-- 达县(川) DDG-- 丹东 DEL-- 德里 ...

4.Diesel Denim Gallery  DDG(Diesel Denim Gallery),翻译为"Diesel的牛仔画廊”。在某中意义上DDG是现代艺术与时尚艺术的浓缩与象征。

5.酒糟蛋白饲料  然而,反倾销立案调查后,市场对美国酒糟蛋白饲料(DDG)的需求"极度走软",他表示。上一篇:26日美国大豆现货基差报价稳 …


1.To which contained trace elements, amino acids and vitamins analysis shows, DDS these nutrients content is much higher than the DDG.对其中所含微量元素、氨基酸和维生素等剖析表明,DDS中这些营养成分的含量比DDG高得多。

2.Cutting back purchases of the Navy's DDG-1000 destroyer (with its deficient missile defense system) was a first step.削减海军的DDG-1000驱逐舰的采购(其缺乏导弹防御系统)只是一步。

3.This paper gave a method to identify domain variables automatically based on DDG, and made use of this method to a large legacy systems.给出了一种基于数据依赖图(DDG)的主域变量识别方法,并将该方法运用到一大型遗留系统的业务逻辑提取中。

4.If China wants, they could launch ten DDG's a year with the excess capacitiy theyhave today.如果中国愿意,他们能用他们的冗余制造能力,在一年内让十艘导弹驱逐舰下水。

5.I'm a LTJG. Won't tell you what ship I was on, just know that it's a DDG out of Yoko.我是个LTJG(真不知道这事啥官),不能告诉你我是具体那条舰上的,只能说是横须贺基地的一条驱逐舰。

6.The new destroyers are being built as part of the U. S. Navy's DDG 51 program.新型驱逐舰将作为美国海军DDG51项目的一部分。

7.At current prices, DDG imports are spghtly more expensive than the domestic product, which weakens the dumping argument.进口干玉米酒糟当前的价格略高于中国国内产品,因而倾销的说法也就站不住脚了。

8.Unpke corn, DDG isn't subject to China's rules on import quotas and genetic modification.不同于玉米的是,干玉米酒糟不受中国进口配额和转基因规定的限制。

9.Three months later, the USS John McCain DDG 56 had her towed array sonar damaged by a Chinese submarine.三个月后,麦凯恩56号导弹驱逐舰,拖曳声纳被一艘中国潜艇损坏。

10.Since the latter half of 2009, Chinese demand for DDG surged.自2009年下半年起,中国对干玉米酒糟的需求飙升。