




1.享受今天的快乐 ... 18. Clouds 飘忽的云 19. Enjoy Today 享受今天的快乐 20. Five Balls of Life 生命中的五个 …

2.享受鉴于美国多数高中充满着享受(enjoy today)和悠着来(take it easy)的气氛,考生要逆潮流而上参加考试,不论考好考坏,能参加 …


1.Yet before the big match, 2PM competed with the 'Enjoy Today' cast to see who could pft the heaviest weights on the bench press.然而,在大赛之前,2PM与享受今天的演员,在举重机上,进行较量,看看谁能拿得最重的重量。

2.Good, good . Audience friends , please enjoy today's Feast for the Eyes for now . See you at the dock in a moment.好啊好啊。那观众朋友,就请您先来看看我们今天的赏心悦目。咱们一会儿码头上见。

3.That could dent margins and compromise the sense of freedom its managers so obviously enjoy today.这可能削弱利润率和对其如此享受现在自由的经理作出妥协。

4.If you can hear the train approaching, it's hard to relax and enjoy today's party.如果你只听到列车驰近的声音,要想放松下来参加我们这个聚会,还是有难度的。

5.I will enjoy today's happiness today. It is not grain to be stored in a box. It is not wine to be saved in a jar.我要享受今天的快乐,它不像粮食可以贮躲,更不似美酒越陈越香。

6.The roasted beans were crushed, and then boiled in water, creating a crude version of the beverage we enjoy today.烘培后的咖啡被磨碎,用水煮后就是我们今天所喝咖啡饮料的雏形。

7.I wish you would be the same. Let's enjoy today's programme in five minutes.一早就有个好心情,我希望您也是如此.和我共度这5分钟的美好时光。

8.It has been 25 years since Greg Mankiw began teaching economics at Harvard College, a position he continues to enjoy today.在哈弗大学教经济已经25年了,他也一直很喜欢这个职位。

9.Without yesterday's industrious working, How can we enjoy today's glorious achievements?没有往昔的辛勤耕耘哪有成绩辉煌的今天?

10.Enjoy today, yesterday is history, tomorrow may not come.享受今天,昨天已经过去,明天或许不会到来。