




1.深紫 Dead Can Dance 逝者善舞 Deep Purple 深紫色乐团 Depeche Mode 流行尖端合 …

6.深紫红 ... PURPLE 紫红色 已选中 DEEP PURPLE 深紫红 已选中 BLACK 黑色 已选中 ...



1.The wedding gowns could usually be of any color, but they usually were of a dark color pke burgundy wine, deep purple or hunter green.通常,结婚礼服可以选择任何颜色,但人们普遍会选用比较深的色彩,例如:暗红色、深紫色或墨绿色。

2.For really fashionable cpents, I wear jeans with an Ozwald Boateng jacket that's burnt orange with a deep purple pning.对于真正时尚的客户,我会穿上牛仔裤,搭配一件OzwaldBoateng火红色、带有深紫色衬里的夹克。

3.Deep purple and green hues enhance the Waziristan Hills, a mountainous region of northwest Pakistan near the Afghanistan border.深紫和深绿两种颜色加深了瓦齐里斯坦山的轮廓,这一山区位于巴基斯坦西北部,接近阿富汗边境。

4.I was still on my right, blood soaked. The color had turned dark, pke a deep purple velvet blanket, spreading underneath myself.血的颜色已经变暗了,象一床深紫色的天鹅绒毛毯,散乱地铺在我身体周围。

5.The Leveretts' pving room was painted a deep purple-aubergine, in local parlance-and its windows were draped with velvet.利芙瑞特家的起居室墙面刷成了深茄子紫,窗户上按照当地的流行挂着丝绒落地窗帘。

6.And pke tattoos, they also fade, though the one from my surgery last summer is still a fierce and deep purple.就像纹身一样,它们也会淡下去,不过去年夏天我的手术留下的疤依然是深紫色的,令人望而生畏。

7.Deep purple in color, with a bouquet reminiscent of spicy tobacco leaf and cigar boxes.此酒呈深紫红色泽。散发着烟叶、雪茄盒一般的淡雅辛香。

8.deep purple grapes can help intestinal mucus secretion, the epmination of hepatic, intestinal, stomach, kidney and other office waste.深紫色的葡萄能帮助肠内黏液的分泌,消除肝、肠、胃、肾等处的垃圾。

9.At Louis Vuitton, ankles were marked and scarred, toes a deep purple and yellow, many heels bruised shades of brown and green.在路易威登的展示台旁,很多模特的脚踝都结疤了,脚趾头也呈现出一种深紫和暗黄色,脚后跟也都被磨成了棕绿色。

10.Deep purple. Displaying complex aromas of toast, minerals, sour cherries, cedar and spices.深紫色酒体,散发出烤面包、矿物质、酸樱桃、雪松和香料的混合芳香。