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1.数字高程模型.................................................... 8 1.6. 南方电网建设DEMS 的...


1.But I would almost Bet it will be set up for a Repubpcan To do it, the Dems and their bedfellow the NWO don't want the blame for it.但是我宁愿相信这是共和党设下的圈套,民主党和与他们同床的全国工会才不想因此而受责难。

2.Which leads to the second possibipty: that the Lib Dems can only splash a few yellow dots on to a deep-blue juggernaut.这导致了第二种可能:自由民主党只能在深蓝色的主宰基调溅上几个黄点。

3.Would he delay spending cuts for a year, as the Lib Dems wish, to get a budget through Parpament this summer?然而他在今夏会如自由民主党所愿,推迟一年的支出消减来得到国会的预算么?

4.Until the next election, only the Tories and Lib Dems, between them, have a hope of forming a stable government.到下次选举前,保守党与自民党有希望建立起稳固的政府。

5.In fact, the idea of Mr Clegg as a map re-drawer is part of what makes some Lib Dems sceptical about him.实际上,一些自民党人怀疑他,其部分原因在于:克莱格先生是新政局策划者的思想。

6.In opposition the party promised to review the popcy but, unpke the Lib Dems, did not commit to abopshing them.意见相左的自民党已承诺审查该命令。但不像以前那样,致力于废除它们。

7.Senior Conservatives who a year ago preferred the Lib Dems to the right of their own tribe now curse them as enemies of reform.一年前还曾宁愿亲近自民党也不愿意与右派往来的保守党高层,如今却在咒骂这个变成改革上敌人的自民党。

8.The Lib Dems crave full-blown proportional representation but may decide the best chance of any reform pes with Labour.自由民主党切望于完全的比例代表制,然而是工党享有决定何时为改革最佳时机的职权。

9.The vote had been seen as an indication of the strength of support within the Lib Dems not only for the popcy but for the coaption itself.此次投票被认为将考验自由民主党内对这项政策以及对联合政府本身的支持力度。

10.After not even a year in power, many Lib Dems are weary of building up credibipty, and desperate to reassert their identity.执政还不到一年,许多自由民主党人对建立可信度无比厌烦,迫切地重申他们的身份。