


美式发音: [desk] 英式发音: [desk]










n.1.a table that you sit at to write or work, often with drawers in it2.a place that provides information or a service, for example in a hotel or at an airport3.a particular department of an organization such as a television or radio company or a newspaper

1.书桌 (pencil-cases) 文具 (desks) 课桌 1. brown 棕色 ...

3.桌子 伞搁架 umbrella stands 2001 桌子 desks 2001 衣帽架 2001 讲稿小搁台 lecterns 2001 ...

4.桌椅喜羊羊)儿童溜冰鞋(Ice Skates)儿童学生桌椅(desks)餐椅(highchai )座便器(commode)儿童座椅(kids' seats)秋千(Swing)摇摆 …

5.办公桌 dodge v. 避开, 躲避n.<俗> 诡计, 躲藏 desks n. 书桌, 办公桌 swill vt. 涮, 冲洗, 痛饮, 倒出 ...

6.课桌椅 ... 培训椅( Traini.. 课桌椅desks .. 办公椅( office.. ...

7.写字台 金属陈列架 2001 餐具柜 sideboards 2001 写字台(家具) desks 2001 图书馆书架 pbrary shelves 2001 ...


1.I used to ring them and try to persuade them to let me come and inspect their desks, their family photos and their bookshelves.我给他们打电话,试着说服他们,允许我去参观其办公桌、家庭照和书架。

2.Take a look at the desks around you to see how yours fits in, and bear in mind you can manipulate it to send out a certain message.看一下你周围的桌子来判断你的桌面情况有多高合适度,另外要记住你可以通过巧妙处理你的桌面来发出特定信号。

3."We have a lot of designers here, and when they're trying to draw or do something creative, I start hearing the desks go up, " she said.“我们办公室里有许多设计师,当他们想绘图或做一些创意工作时,他们会调高办公桌,站着工作,”她说。

4.These strips can run along the wall, or along the tops of desks, or sink into the surface of a conference table.这种接线板可以贴墙面或桌面放置,或嵌到会议桌的桌面里。

5.Wood is often used to make desks and chairs.木材常常被用来制作桌椅。

6.One of my supervisors was able to shoehorn his love for woodworking into a contract to build some desks and tables for the workplace.我的一位上司因为一项制造桌椅的合同而喜欢上木工活。

7.Take the three "cash desks" it set up in its offices, to which employees could bring empty suitcases to be filled with cash.以公司内设立的三个“收银台”为例,公司员工可以在“收银台”将空公文包装满现金。

8.Back at our desks come Tuesday, sunburned and a bit disoriented, we flash a cunning grin when a co-worker asks, "How was your weekend? "星期二回到我们的工作台,太阳晒得黑黑的,并且有点在工作上抓不着头脑,当我们的工友问我们“周末过得好吗?”时,我们就会狡猾的咧齿一笑。

9.But there was no doubt that being "in the flow" gave investment banks' trading desks an edge.但“近水楼台”的优势无疑是存在的。

10.Harry had been held back in Potions, where Snape had made him stay behind to scrape tubeworms off the desks.哈利在魔药课上被留了堂,斯内普叫他留下来擦去桌上的多毛虫。