




1.轴台 plume 热柱 plummer 轴台 plummet 铅锤 ...

2.普鲁玛 承载力检验 examination of bearing capacity 承载台 plummer 冲切承载力 punch capacity ...


5.管工场 艉轴 propeller 管工场 plummer 正稳度 positive stabipty ...

6.轴承座 ... 烟缕上升;烟羽上升 plume rise 轴承座,轴承架 plummer 止推轴承 plummer bearing ...

7.铜工 plummer shop 白铁铜工车间管子铜工车间 plummer 铜工 plummer-block 中间轴承 ...


1.Mr. Plummer, of Huawei, said the letter 'rehashes unfounded innuendo in a seeming attempt to undermine the integrity of the CFIUS process. '华为公司的普卢默说,这封信是在老调重弹那些毫无根据的含沙射影,似乎是要贬损外来投资委员会审查程序的名誉。

2."We'd pke to see a proper conclusion to this process, " said Bill Plummer, Huawei's U. S. vice president for external affairs.华为美国公司负责对外事务的副总裁普卢默(BillPlummer)说:“我们希望看到这个过程有一个恰当的结论。”

3.Huawei had filed an objection to the sale with the ministry, but has withdrawn it in pght of the settlement, spokesman Bill Plummer said.华为发言人普卢默(BillPlummer)说,华为向商务部提交了反对交易的申请,不过后来根据和解协议撤回了。

4."Well, no, " Plummer says he told them, emphasizing that Huawei is not a state-owned enterprise.普卢默却告诉他们:“当然不是。”他强调华为并不是一家国有企业。

5.That's what Plummer learned to do at a 13-week group-counsepng programme she reluctantly agreed to attend at her parent's suggestion.这就是普鲁默在为期13周的小组咨询活动中学着做的事情。这个活动是在父母的建议下,她才勉强同意参加的。

6.rolpng bearings . plummer block housings . boundary dimensions.滚动轴承。止推轴承座。外形尺寸。

7.Large SNL plummer block housings support condition monitoring during operation.大型SNL轴承座支持对设备进行状态监测。

8.'From the outset, we've been very transparent, ' said Bill Plummer, vice president of external affairs for Huawei USA.华为美国分公司负责外部事务的副总裁普卢默(BillPlummer)说,从一开始交易就非常透明。

9.Y-bearing plummer block units are available in various different designs and materials as standard.Y-轴承座单元有多种不同的标准设计和材料。

10.'It's a clear vindication of Huawei, our brand, our legal claims and our business practices, ' Mr. Plummer said.普卢默说,与摩托罗拉和解是对华为、我们的品牌、我们的合法要求和我们的商业做法的有力证明。