




1.鄙视你 Ignore you( 不理你) Despise you鄙视你) shut up( 闭嘴) ...


1.You can think of, if you are disabled, people ignore you, despise you, what would you think, I think you probably will be very painful.你可以想想,如果你是残疾人,别人漠视你,看不起你的话,你会怎么想,我想你大概会很痛苦。

2.I despise you, and will have nothing to say to any of you!我看不起你们,对你们任何一个人我都没话可说!

3.Otherwise, it will accept your fate, pfetime empty-headed, not as, don't blame others despise you, look down on you because you ask for it!否则,就认命吧,一辈子浑浑噩噩,无所做为,别怪别人鄙视你、瞧不起你,因为你活该!

4.These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.这些事你要讲明,劝戒人,用各等权柄责备人。不可叫人轻看你。

5.When I asked if he was coming, how could I reveal my begging eyes? One should not be too honest to a handsome man, he will only despise you.当我问他还来不来时,我怎能显露出那希求的眼光,在一个漂亮人面前是不应老实,让人瞧不起……

6.If you give and give to ones and they do not give in return and even despise you for giving, who has dishonored God?如果你给的,分给的,他们不给回报给你,甚至鄙视的,谁不兑现上帝?

7.No one will despise you so long as you respect yourself.只要你尊重你自己,就没有人会鄙视你。

8.These things speak, and exhort and convict with all authority. Let no one despise you.这些事你要讲说,也要用各等权柄劝勉人、责备人;不可叫人轻看你。

9.SCARLETT: And I'll hate and despise you till I die!斯佳丽:而且我会恨你、鄙视你到死为止!

10.Teachthese things, encourageand reprove with all authority. Let no one despise you.你要宣讲这些事,以全权规劝和指摘,不要让任何人轻视你。