





2.詹姆士布朗 ... Fpp Wilson Show,Brady Bunch( 情景喜剧《布雷迪家庭 》) James Brown詹姆斯•布郎) Nat King Cole( 纳特•金• …

4.灵魂乐者有布朗司对灵魂乐有很大的鼓舞。最受欢迎的灵魂乐者有布朗(James Brown)、查理(Ray Charles)、柯克(Sam Cooke)和富兰克林(Ar…

5.詹姆斯口布朗)、影星史提夫麦昆(Steve McQueen)、灵魂乐之父詹姆斯布朗(James Brown)、牙买加歌手巴布马利(Bob Mar-ley),以及影星 …


1.His agent says the cause of his death is still unknown. James Brown is 73.他的代理人称其死亡原因尚不清楚。

2.In return I asked her a series of questions, mostly along the pne of Is a bean green? and Does James Brown get down?我报以一连串与“豆子是绿色的吗?”“詹姆士•布朗(JamesBrown)会跪着唱歌吗?”等同类的问题回问她。

3.Then they play an old James Brown riff and everyone's saying: 'Wow!接著他们就演奏一个詹姆士布朗的一个旧旋律然后突然间大家就开始叫好说:哇!

4.With these words, the Godfather of Soul , James Brown, created a new dance that spread across America in the early 1970s.灵魂乐教父詹姆斯•布朗藉由这段歌词,于1970年代初期发明一种遍传美国的新舞蹈。

5.He's very happy and he says he's having a wonderful time rocking with James Brown and so many other musicians.他看起来很开心,并且说自己和詹姆斯布朗以及其他音乐家一起随着音乐起舞,他们很享受这一过程。

6.Sad day for the world of music, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown has died.今天是世界音乐界的悲痛之日,灵魂乐的教父詹姆斯布朗与世长辞。

7.Singer James Brown has been laid to rest.著名歌手詹姆斯布朗已被安葬。

8.The Godfather of Soul James Brown dies at 73.美国灵魂乐的教父JamesBrown去世,享年73岁。

9.My name is James Brown.我叫詹姆斯·布朗。

10.and , you know , a faux james brown is really quite intolerable还有,你知道,一个假的jamesbrown实在是让人无法忍受