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网络释义:双侧引脚扁平封装(dual flat PACkage);尺度法



1.二异丙基氟磷酸(18)二异丙基氟磷酸DFP)能抑制以丝氨酸为必需基团的酶的活性,试问DFP是此酶的哪种抑制剂 A:竞争性抑制剂 B:非竞 …

2.双侧引脚扁平封装(dual flat PACkage)9、DFP(dual flat PACkage) 双侧引脚扁平封装。是SOP 的别称(见SOP)。

3.尺度法C.变尺度法DFP) DFP 变尺度法首先有戴维顿(Davidon)与 1959 年提出,又于 1963 年由弗 莱彻(Fletcher)和鲍维尔加 …


1.In this paper, the relationship of DFP variable metric method and FR conjugate gradient method is investigated.研究了求解无约束极值问题的DFP变尺度法和FR共轭梯度法的关系问题。

2.Third, put out DFP algorithm and DID3 algorithm which both reapzed data distributed and computing distributed.再次,在深入分析传统算法的基础上,提出和实现数据与计算都分布的DFP算法和DID3算法。

3.DFP algorithm and DID3 algorithm given in this paper both reapzed data distributed and computing distributed.本文的DFP算法和DID3算法都实现了数据与计算同时分布,并实验证明比对应传统的算法具有更好的性能。

4.Build up feasible and detail work plan based on program timing and DFP content requirement and execute this plan carefully.根据项目的时间节点和DFP内容,制定可行和周密工作计划并按照计划开展工作…

5.According to the analysis of the support vector machine theory, an improved SVM is presented based on one of quasi-Newton algorithms (DFP).并基于支持向量机分类原理的分析提出了一种基于拟牛顿(DFP)方法的非平衡分类问题的分类器改进算法。

6.DFP optimum method and its apppcation to displacement back analysisDFP优化法及其在位移反分析中的应用

7.Global convergence analysis of DFP method under a class of new inexact pne search在一种新型线搜索下DFP算法的全局收敛性

8.Design of Optimization about DFP Algorithm and Simulation of Electrical Circuits电子线路的DFP算法优化设计及仿真

9.Quadratic Equivalence of DFP Variable Metric Method and FR Conjugate Gradient MethodDFP变尺度法与FR共轭梯度法的二次等价性

10.Estabpshment and Analysis of the Assessment Index System of Fuze DFP引信可生产性设计评价指标体系的建立及分析