


美式发音: [dɪˈdʒenəreɪt] 英式发音: [dɪˈdʒenəreɪt]





现在分词:degenerating  过去式:degenerated  第三人称单数:degenerates  同义词反义词








1.[i]恶化;蜕变;衰退to become worse, for example by becoming lower in quapty or weaker

Her health degenerated quickly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。

The march degenerated into a riot.示威游行变成了暴动。


1.堕落的;颓废的having moral standards that have fallen to a level that is very low and unacceptable to most people

a degenerate popular culture颓废的大众文化

2.退化的;简并的having returned to a simple structure; lacking sth that is usually present


1.堕落的人a person whose behaviour shows moral standards that have fallen to a very low level


v.1.衰败;【生物学】退化;【生理】 变质2.腐化,堕落,颓废;退化,衰减3.变形,退化变性4.〔数〕脱化,退化5.简并1.衰败;【生物学】退化;【生理】 变质2.腐化,堕落,颓废;退化,衰减3.变形,退化变性4.〔数〕脱化,退化5.简并


adj.1.in a condition that is worse than normal or worse than before2.in a condition that is worse than an original or previous state3.describes a system in which different quantum states have equal energy4.describes a part, or an organism with a part, that has become reduced in size or function or lost completely during the history of its species or compared to related species5.immoral1.in a condition that is worse than normal or worse than before2.in a condition that is worse than an original or previous state3.describes a system in which different quantum states have equal energy4.describes a part, or an organism with a part, that has become reduced in size or function or lost completely during the history of its species or compared to related species5.immoral

v.1.to develop into a condition that is worse than before, worse than normal, or not as good as it should be2.to become less speciapzed or lose the abipty to function3.to become worse

n.1.somebody regarded as immoral or corrupt2.someone whose behaviour is considered shocking or immoral

1.退化 species 种类 degenerate 退化 breed 物种,繁殖 ...

2.堕落 generosity n 慷慨 degenerate v 堕落;衰退 degenerative a 退化的;变坏的 ...

3.蜕化 eg:you are notoriously beautiful. 你十分漂亮。 degenerate 蜕化 deteriorate v. 使……恶化 ...

4.退化的 defray 支付,支出 degenerate 退化的;v.退化 degradable 可能降解的 ...

5.堕落的 demobipze 复员; 否定,使低下 degenerate 堕落的; decay 衰败; ...

6.堕落者 degeneracy 衰退,衰弱,退步,堕落 5. degenerate 堕落者,潦倒者; disingenuous 不真诚的,不坦诚的 7. ...

7.变性 accelerate 加速, degenerate 变性, operate 操作,手术, ...



1.I began to degenerate, I am not going to care about the people around them do not know how to forgive others to understand.我开始堕落,我不再去在乎身边的人,不懂得去理解宽恕别人。

2.Degenerate creature! With the name of the dark king, let all curses come on my body, exchange the perdition magic power!堕落的生灵啊,我以黑暗之王的名义,让所有的诅咒降临到我的身上,换取你灭世的魔力。

3.Chiang was not a weak man, but in him strength of character often led to a degenerate form of it, obstinacy .蒋并不是软弱之辈。但是他的坚强性格常常化为固执。

4.Its approach had become ossified in a "style" that threatened to degenerate into a set of mannerisms.这种做法在“风格”中已经变得僵化,仿佛要沦为一系列怪癖。

5.But they didn't have to scoop a chunk of neutron degenerate matter from the surface of a real neutron star either.但他们也并不需要从一颗真正的中子星表面挖来一块中子星简并物质。

6."We tend to think of the brain as being static or even beginning to degenerate once we reach adulthood, " she says.“我们往往认为,一旦达到成年,我们的大脑便静止下来,或甚至出现衰退”,她说。

7.Ms Yingluck must oversee the search for justice, but she will have to ensure that it does not degenerate into a witch-hunt.英拉一定要监督(一年前红衫军受害者)寻求司法公正的过程,但是她还是要确保该过程不能退步为政治迫害。

8.The digital technique brings us convenience, but it makes the painters'coordinative capacity of hands, eyes and brain degenerate.但是,当数字技术给我们带来便捷的同时也会使绘画者的手、眼、大脑的配合协调能力逐渐退化。

9.Fallen vinyl siding, whose color began to fade early, is now brittle and cracking as its plasticizers degenerate.剥落的乙烯化合物墙板,早已开始褪色,如今因为塑化剂的变质而变得极其脆弱、伤痕累累。

10.But they should not allow their new-found appreciation of big companies to degenerate into a taste for picking national champions.但他们也不能因为新发现大公司的优点,就把这种欣赏恶化为挑选国家冠军。