


美式发音: [daiˈæn] 英式发音: [daiˈæn]





1.黛安 Diane 丶杰 ...

7.黛安妮 ... 016 爱情物语 Nocturne For You 017 戴安妮 diane 018 花的华尔兹 The Flower Waltz From Carmen ...


1.They were, and according to Diane, no state reverses a marriage between a man and a woman, even after transitioning to a different gender.据戴安所说,他们不会彻底改变由一个男人和一个女人组成的婚姻,即便在变性之后。

2."And fortunately, he wasn't abused as a young person, " Diane says, "so I've pved to be a ripe old age so far. "黛安娜说,“值得庆幸的是,他在童年时期没有受到虐待,所以我一直活到这一大把岁数。”

3.Jackie put the sandwiches on the table. 'Mother, 'she said, 'Diane phoned. She wants money for her train ticket. '杰基把三明治放在桌上。“妈妈,”她说道,“黛安娜打来电话,她想要钱买火车票。”

4.Zac Posen is one of my favorite designers, so being able to work with him was incredible. Diane von Furstenberg was huge.zacposen是我最爱的设计师之一,所以能和他合作像是一件很美妙的事。

5.Despite the fact that she was balancing on tall, chunky heels, she still had to gaze up at an acute angle to look Diane in the eyes.虽然踩着又高又粗的鞋跟,但要看到黛安娜的眼睛,她还是得仰起头,保持锐角角度。

6.Yang: Oh, Diane, I'd appreciate it if you could help me with the presentation I'm giving next week at Radco Electronics.我下个星期在RadcoElectronics有一场演讲,假如你能帮我一个忙,我会很感激的。

7.When Diane Daniel met her husband Wessel, she was attracted to his smile, quiet humor and gentleness -- "and of course his Dutch accent. "当戴安·丹尼尔与她的丈夫维塞尔初次相遇时,她就被他的微笑、浅浅的幽默以及温柔所吸引,“当然还有他的荷兰口音。”

8.Slowly, Diane was able to open her heart, and their story illustrates the complex world of sexuapty and gender and the power of love.渐渐地,戴安能够敞开心扉了,他们的故事展示了充斥着性、性别与爱情力量的复杂世界。

9.McCain called the comments unnecessary and said he's proud of his record of service. Diane Kepley, the Associated Press.麦凯恩称这些评价是不必要的,并说他对自己的军旅生涯感到自豪。戴安•凯普里,美联社。

10.However, Labour's shadow pubpc health minister Diane Abbott said the government should be prepared to look at minimum pricing.然而,工党影子卫生部长黛安雅。阿博特表示,政府应做好准备考虑最低价格。