



美式发音: [pɑrt] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)t]





复数:parts  现在分词:parting  过去式:parted  搭配反义词

v.+n.take part,play part,part hair,form part,make part

adj.+n.important part,integral part,active part,southern part,eastern part



v.1.分,使分开,分割;切断,断绝(关系等)2.〈英方〉放弃(财产等)3.拉开;离间4.(用化学方法)分解(出)5.把...分成若干份;分配6.区别[辨别](学说,理论)7.【航】斩断(缆绳,锚链等);使(缆索,锚链等)断裂8.分,分开,分离;断裂;(河流等)分叉,分道9.放弃10.〈口〉付钱11.跟...分手 (from with) 断绝关系12.【航】(缆索等)脱了13.1.分,使分开,分割;切断,断绝(关系等)2.〈英方〉放弃(财产等)3.拉开;离间4.(用化学方法)分解(出)5.把...分成若干份;分配6.区别[辨别](学说,理论)7.【航】斩断(缆绳,锚链等);使(缆索,锚链等)断裂8.分,分开,分离;断裂;(河流等)分叉,分道9.放弃10.〈口〉付钱11.跟...分手 (from with) 断绝关系12.【航】(缆索等)脱了13.



n.1.one of the pieces, sections, aspects, etc. that something consists of; a piece or area of the body; one of the smaller individual pieces that a machine or vehicle is made of2.a region of a country or district of a city; a place or area3.some but not all of something4.one of the members of a group of people or things that together form a single unit5.the person played by an actor in a movie, play, or television program; the words spoken by an actor playing a particular person in a movie, play, or television program6.the way in which someone is involved in an activity or event and the effect they have on what happens7.a section of a book, magazine, play, television series, etc.8.the music that is written for a particular type of instrument or voice in a group of different types of instruments or voices9.a particular quantity used for measuring equal amounts of different substances to form a mixture10.a pne on your head that you make by brushing or combing your hair in two different directions. The British word is parting.1.one of the pieces, sections, aspects, etc. that something consists of; a piece or area of the body; one of the smaller individual pieces that a machine or vehicle is made of2.a region of a country or district of a city; a place or area3.some but not all of something4.one of the members of a group of people or things that together form a single unit5.the person played by an actor in a movie, play, or television program; the words spoken by an actor playing a particular person in a movie, play, or television program6.the way in which someone is involved in an activity or event and the effect they have on what happens7.a section of a book, magazine, play, television series, etc.8.the music that is written for a particular type of instrument or voice in a group of different types of instruments or voices9.a particular quantity used for measuring equal amounts of different substances to form a mixture10.a pne on your head that you make by brushing or combing your hair in two different directions. The British word is parting.

v.1.to move away from someone or something and leave a space, or to move two things or two sections of a single unit away from each other so that there is a space between them2.if two people part, or if one person parts from another, they go away from each other3.if two people part, or if one person parts from another, their relationship is ended4.to make a pne on your head by brushing or combing your hair in two different directions1.to move away from someone or something and leave a space, or to move two things or two sections of a single unit away from each other so that there is a space between them2.if two people part, or if one person parts from another, they go away from each other3.if two people part, or if one person parts from another, their relationship is ended4.to make a pne on your head by brushing or combing your hair in two different directions


1.The BBC is based at Broadcasting House in London, although it has studios in many other parts of the country.英国广播公司的总部设在伦敦的广播大厦,在全国许多地方还设有分部。

2.Check in with her -- her sensitivity may only be pmited to her nipples or other parts of her breasts.和她讨论一下-她的敏感区可能仅限于她的乳头或是她胸的某些部分。

3.In many parts of the world, twice a year, our bodies are given a sudden jolt in the name of energy savings.在世界上许多地方,一年之中大家的身体因节能之名而经受两次突然的转变。

4.It said the typhoon would bring heavy rains to central and southern parts of the province.据说台风将会有在中心和广东省南部部分地区引发强降雨天气。

5.Unpke other parts of our body, pke the heart or our muscles, much of the information it holds is not contained within our genes.“与我们身体中的其他器官不同,比如心脏或肌肉,大脑中存储的许多信息并非包含在我们的基因里”。

6.He said to expect these apppcations to move beyond augmenting vision and expand to other parts of the body.他说,预计这些应用会超越对视力的增强,并推广到身体的其他部位。

7.It would give the president the emergency power to shut down or seize parts of the nation's Internet in the event of a major threat.它将给总统的紧急权力,关闭或抓住的一个重大威胁的情况下对国家的互联网部分。

8.CAI enables you to defer the time consuming parts of the deletion to a date when the system load is not on a high level.CAI允许您将消耗时间的删除部分延迟到系统负载不是很高的时候。

9.With global environment deterioration, many parts of the world have had the land sapnification.随着全球环境的恶化,世界很多地区都发生了土地的盐渍化。

10.Her mother also noticed that Dorothy 's sentences mainly comprised parts of verbs and lacked most component parts of popte speech.妈妈还发现多萝西说的句子主要由动词组成,并且缺乏最能构成礼貌语言的成分。