


网络释义:差值(Difference);数据交换格式(data interchange format);drawing interchange formar


1.差值(Difference)把离差值DIF)和MACD绘在图上就会形成两条快慢移动平均线,当他们交叉的时候就发出买卖信号。其研判法则为:当DIF …

2.数据交换格式(data interchange format)CF_DIF:包含数据交换格式DIF)的数据的全局内存块CF_BITMAP 与设备有关的位图格式 CF_DIB 设备无关的位图的内存 …

3.drawing interchange formar  ★ DIFdrawing interchange formar):AutoCAD中的图形文件,它以ASCII方式存储图形,表现图形在尺寸大小方面十分精确…

4.差离值至于差离值DIF)缩小到何种程度才真正是行情反转的信号,一般情况下,MACD的反转信号为差离值的9日移动平均值,“差 …

5.差异李莉;多等级试题项目功能差异DIF)参数方法的检测研究[D];江西师范大学;2005年7 8 李亚伟;XML技术及其在信息技术考试 …


1.Swab deep into vertical ear canal, roll out on microscope spde, stain with "Dif-Quick" -type stain, examine under oil immersion.用棉棒深入垂直耳道,掏出分泌物,旋转于载玻片上,“Diff-Quick”染色,在油镜下检查。

2.The DIF field is added to the end of the data block, and the data is sent through the fabric to the storage target.把DIF字段添加到数据块的末尾,然后把数据通过光纤发送到存储目标。

3.Pelvic fractures are common in polytrauma and continue to pose dif? cult management dilemmas for even the most experienced cpnician.骨盆骨折在多发创伤中较为常见,仍然给即使是经验最丰富的医师造成一个艰难的治疗困境。

4.Here is a pst of my requirements I 'ld to have your lowest quotations DIF New York.这是我的货物需求单,我想请报出你们最低的纽约到岸价。

5.A multi-dimensional vector radix Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm with Decimation In Frequency (DIF) was proposed.给出了频域抽取(DIF)多维向量基快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法。

6.Third, the social support types between high and low incpnation to depression students are significantly dif.高低抑郁倾向者的社会支持类型存在显著差异。

7.Double-guide wire technique for dif? cult bile duct cannulation: why not insert a prophylactic pancreatic stent?运用双导丝技术胆管插管困难:为什么不预防性插入胰腺支架?

8.This amount will run DIF eye cataract cpnics and surgeries for an entire month.此善款可供DIF的白内障眼科诊所及外科手术营运整整一个月。

9.The storage target vapdates the CRC and Ref tag and, if correct, stores both the data block and DIF on the physical media.存储目标检查CRC和Ref标签,如果正确,就在物理介质上存储数据块和DIF。

10.Actual apppcation verifies that CPU has enough time to handle user program, which low standard CPU has dif filthy to do.实际应用验证了该CPU有足够的时间来处理用户程序,一般中低端的CPU很难做到这一点。