


美式发音: ['dik'eɪ] 英式发音: ['di:k'eɪ]


英文单词:丹麦(Denmark);死亡骑士(Death Knight);死骑



abbr.1.don't know2.dark3.deck4.Denmark5.dock1.don't know2.dark3.deck4.Denmark5.dock

1.丹麦(Denmark) DE 德国 DK 丹麦 EC 厄瓜多尔 ...

2.死亡骑士(Death Knight)是死亡骑士DK)的霜之哀伤吧,你可以玩魔兽3混乱之治的战役,最后你可以知道是巫妖王给他的。人家本来就有是从冰封 …

3.死骑再抢死骑(DK) 圣骑(PAL) 深渊(PL)还有钱就自己消磨吧- -ES4分10秒出TC 打15洞7分左右就可以出光明那边的了10分出传送多 …

4.双乙烯酮(diketene)姜堰市扬子江化工有限公司供应双乙烯酮(DK)、乙酰乙酰苯胺(AAA)、邻甲基乙酰乙酰苯胺(AA… 是泰州市知名企业。


1.DK: This next project, we were asked to design a pavilion to celebrate the recycling of the water on the Millennium Dome in London.大卫:下一个项目,是设计一个水榭来庆祝伦敦千禧穹顶的水循环系统。

2.Changing that now though would be a huge setback, and I'm actually pretty happy with the DK rotations at the moment.现在去改变它会有巨大的阻碍,事实上我现在很满意DK的技能循环。

3.DK: You know, it has homey touches like a built in fishtank in the walls, or something to be aggressive with to release tension.大卫:你知道,就象在墙里面嵌了一个鱼缸一样,很有家的感觉。或者某种东西,特别能助你释放压力。

4.If the DK had been a caster, I don't think casters would have dominated the earlier seasons.如果DK是施法职业,我不认为施法职业能统治赛季早期。

5.DK: I see under_earning not simply as the inability to acquire money or to work to one's full potential.我认为收入低下不是简单的无力获取金钱,或无法发挥个人潜能赚钱。

6.If you plan on working with an object, then you first have to check it out using the option DK_CM_CHECKOUT.如果您计划使用对象,那么首先必须使用选项DK_CM_CHECKOUT对其进行检查。

7.DK: Grails makes it easy to implement a well-designed web application.DK:Grails可以方便地实现设计良好的Web应用。

8.DK, the company's tool class books does not appear, the more obvious international business growth.他同时表示,DK公司的工具类图书销量并未出现下滑,国际业务增长较明显。

9.The operational context for the DK is a standard Bluetooth PC platform on which Broadcom's WIDCOMM BTW software has been installed.操作的骑士是一种标准的蓝牙PC平台上的WIDCOMM博已安装软件顺便。

10.DK: And I also have pretty much tried to come up with as many different types of questions. . .但是俺还是打算提出好多不同类型的问题…==。