


美式发音: [mɑ] 英式发音: [mɑː]

n.文科硕士(全写为 Master of Arts,大学文科中的中级学位,或苏格兰大学文科中的初级学位)

英文单词:马;毫安;移动平均线(Moving Average)

复数:mas  同义词




1.文科硕士(全写为 Master of Arts,大学文科中的中级学位,或苏格兰大学文科中的初级学位)the abbreviation for‘Master of Arts’ (a second university degree in an arts subject, or, in Scotland, a first university degree in an arts subject)

to be/have/do an MA成为文科硕士;有╱攻读文科硕士学位

Julie Bell MA文科硕士朱莉 ) 贝尔


abbr.1.(=Minnesota)2.【化】元素 masurium 的符号

n.1.your mother2网站屏蔽ed in some parts of the U.S. instead of mrs. before the name of a married woman



1.马 衡 heng ma 郅 zhi ...

2.毫安 luo( 罗) [25 个] ma( ) mai( 麦) ...

6.麻 忽 hu ma 惠 hui ...

7.硕士(Master)硕士学位分文科硕士(MA)和理科硕士(MSc),如果全时学习,一般至少需要一年的时间完成,但很多学生都选择在18个月内完 …

8.文学硕士(Master of Arts)在文学硕士MA)的开发利用程度Professional提供一个基础广泛的跨学科课程,使学生选择三十(30)和心理学信贷,人类 …


1.Wu Shishen was jailed for life for leaking a copy of a speech by Pres. Jiang Zemin, and his wife, Ma Tao, got a 6-year sentence.因洩露中国领导人江泽民的一份讲话稿,吴士深被判终生监禁,他的妻子马涛被判刑六年。

2."Well, you'd be the only witness there was, " said Casey, "if there was any. Was any one in the house but you that you know of, ma'am? "“那么,您就是这里唯一的目击证人了,”凯西警官说,“如果说有目击证人的话。您家里还有其他人吗,夫人?”

3.Old Ma had been able to see everything from the rearview mirror, and that was why Yu had to pretend.老马从后视镜中可以看到他们的一切,这也是余则成不得不做戏的原因。

4.of rust, black and Ma, the latter two are easy to store water and dirt of the defects, most likely to develop into rust.锈蚀、黑皮和麻点,后两种是容易储存水分和污物的缺陷,最容易发展成锈蚀。

5.The Dalai Lama had mentioned he would like to visit Taiwan again next year, but Ma said the timing was not appropriate.达赖喇嘛曾经表示,他希望明年再次访问台湾,但马英九回应说,现在时机并不合适。

6."Yes, ma' am, " Homer said as if he were speaking to a school teach- er who had just corrected him.“是的,太太,”霍默说,好像他是在对一位刚刚纠正了他的错误的老师讲话一样。

7.Ma : They gave him a knife and asked him if he knew what was in the drum.妈:他们给了他一把小刀,幷问他是不是想知道鼓里面是什麽样的。

8.Mr Ma Kam-yee, said: "When you see a plain red paper into a work of art in their own hands, hearts there is a sense of accomplishment. "马锦仪说:“看着一张普通的红纸在自己手里变成一件艺术品,心中就有一种成就感。”

9.China Merchants Bank has applied to open an office in Taiwan, Ma Weihua, the bank president, said Wednesday.招商银行行长马蔚华3日表示,银行已申请在台湾设立办事处。

10.Jack Ma, the CEO of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is something of an exception, with some Jobs-like characteristics.阿里巴巴集团有限公司首席执行长马云在某种程度上是个例外,他有一些与乔布斯相类的性格特点。