




1.禁止触摸 No parking 禁止停车 Do not touch 禁止触摸 Danger! 危险 ...

2.请勿触摸 Admission by invitation only. 非请莫入。 Do not touch. 请勿触摸。 Keep dry. 请勿受潮。 ...

3.不要摸 Be quiet 保持安静 Do not touch 不要摸 go to the park 去公园 ...

4.不要触摸 Be quiet 保持安静 8. Do not touch 不要触摸 9. cpmb the tree 爬树 10. ...

5.严禁触碰 Do not touch严禁触碰): It means you shouldn’t touch it. touch 触,碰 ...

6.不要触碰 ... No parking 禁止停车 Do not touch 不要触碰 Danger! 危险 ...

7.如请勿触摸 ... 的形式,如员工专 用 Staff Only、 动词”的表达方式,如请勿触摸 Do not touch、 再比如,请勿触摸 Hand…


1.For maximum safety, do not touch the product, test cables , or any other instruments while power is appped to the circuit under test.为了最大程度的安全,在被测电路加有电源时,请勿接触产品、测试电缆或其它任何仪器。

2.Please do not touch the corals with your fpppers , as they are very fragile and easy to destroy.请不要用你的鳍状肢触碰珊瑚,因为它们是很易碎的、很容易损坏的!

3.To avoid contamination, do not touch the tip of the container to any surface. Replace the cap after using.为避免污染,不要用瓶子顶部接触任何表面,用后将瓶盖盖好。

4.Introduction: Panda moved with the mouse or the friends who can jump up to avoid rocks or bad, The first skeleton in the sky Do not touch.用鼠标移到熊猫或它的朋友们身上就可以跳起来躲过石头或是坏人,天上的骷髅头不要碰。

5.If the heels of the feet do not touch the fingers in this drill, then the breaststroker is not getting the most out of each kick.在这个训练中如果脚后跟接触不到手指,这样蛙泳者就不能达过每次踢腿的最大限度。

6.Do not touch the rim of a water glass. Or any other glass.不要触摸水杯或任何其他杯子的边缘。

7.Please get off from the left with your personal articles. Be careful when opening the doors, please do not touch the doors and mind the gap.火车北站,到了。请拿好您的随身物品从左边车门下车。车门开启时请注意,不要触摸车门,并请小心月台空隙。

8.There is something missing in it; it is only education in subjects which do not touch your interior being at all.它里面一定缺少什么,它只是学科教育,根本没有触及你的内在。

9.To prevent contamination of the ear drops, do not touch the apppcator tip to any surface (including the ear).为防耳药污染,切勿将滴耳器头端触碰任何物体表面(包括耳朵)。

10.Bomb Detectors Your awareness can save pves . If you see any suspicious package or bag , do not touch . Warn others. Move away.爆炸物发现者您的警觉可以拯救无数生命。如果您见到任何可疑包裹,千万不要触动。