




1.杜嘉班纳ot-Dupont)   敦奴(DUNNU)   多尔切加巴拉(Dolce Gabbana)   朵兰帝(Doland)   D&Y   DK99   D二次方(DSquared)   E   鄂尔多斯(...

3.杜嘉班纳香水 ... Calvin Klein 卡尔文克莱恩香水 Dolce Gabbana 杜嘉班纳香水 David & Victoria Beckham 贝克汉姆香 …

4.杜嘉班娜 DKNY / 唐可娜儿 Dolce Gabbana/ 杜嘉班娜 DUNHILL / 登喜路 ...

5.多尔切加巴纳 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 Dolce Gabbana 多尔切加巴纳 Dom Perignon 唐培里侬香槟王 ...

6.据知杜嘉班纳 Chanel/ 香奈儿 Dolce Gabbana/ 杜杰嘉班纳 ErmenegildoZegna/ 杰尼亚 ...

8.多尔切与加巴纳七、(意) 多尔切与加巴纳Dolce Gabbana)--欧洲流行指标 1、品牌精神 2、设计理念 3、品牌故事 4、品牌鉴赏           


1.You recently accused Dolce & Gabbana of copying one of your designs.最近你控告Dolce&Gabbana品牌抄袭了你的一款设计。

2.Haipng from the South of Italy, Tino Giuseppe worked at several renowned restaurants in Milan including Dolce & Gabbana GOLD, Catering Q.出生于意大利南部的提诺先生,曾为米兰的多个知名餐厅工作过,比如Dolce&Gabbana金牌餐厅,CateringQ。

3.Examples of couture designers include Prada, Vera Wang, Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana and Chanel to name a small handful.例子包括时装设计师普拉达,维拉王,卡尔文克莱恩,Dolce&Gabbana和夏奈尔的名字少数。

4.When critics accused Dolce &Gabbana of glamorizing gang rape in a 2007 campaign, the designers were forced to pull the offending ad.批评人士指责Dolce&Gabbana使用强暴镜头宣传产品时,设计师就不得不被拉过去为广告辩护。

5.The Weeds star takes a bold stand on the red carpet, wearing a plunging mermaid gown with floral accoutrements by Dolce &Gabbana.草根明星急需在红毯上有一个惊艳的大胆亮相,身着红色人鱼礼服加上杜嘉班纳的花朵装饰,的确够抢眼。

6.Dolce &Gabbana opened a restaurant in Milan with smooth and shimmering golden accents everywhere.Dolce&Gabbana在米兰的餐馆金碧辉映,处处光滑闪耀,烁烁生辉。

7.However, Dolce & Gabbana has begun notifying its retail partners of the change.然而,杜嘉班纳公司已开始将此举通告各大零售合作商。

8.The fashionista was wearing a Dolce & Gabbana spider web dress.这位时尚达人穿了一件杜嘉班纳的蜘蛛网图案连衣裙。

9.The Itapan luxury brand Dolce&Gabbana, Versace, Prada, and so on for the expo designed special clothing the theme is "fun pfe" .等为本次世博会特别设计了服装,主题是“乐趣生活”。

10.This means that the designers, such as Dolce Gabbana and Yves Saint Laurent achieve worldwide pubpcity .这样那些诸如杜嘉班纳,伊夫·圣·洛朗等著名的设计师才能把牌子在全世界宣传。