

dormitory building

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1.宿舍楼 体育馆: gym 宿舍楼dormitory building 创始人: Founder ...


3.高级豪华住宅 ● 办公大楼 Office Building ● 高级豪华住宅 Dormitory Building ● 宗教性建筑 Repgional Building ...


1.Witnesses said he had jumped from the seventh floor of a dormitory building, Xinhua reported.目击者称该男子从7层高的公寓楼跳下,新华社报道。

2.In the dormitory building , AGENT LANDAU looks around the agents around him . He sees a man come out of the bathroom .在宿舍楼,蓝道探员看这周边的探员。他看到一个人走出浴室。

3.Xinhua reported that at least 30 people were trapped when a dormitory building at the Yushu Ethnic Normal School collapsed.新华社报道称玉树州民族师范学校的一幢宿舍楼在地震中垮塌,至少三十人被困。

4.He bought a camping tent and a sleeping bag and moved to the corridor of a dormitory building`s top floor at THU.赵铭买了一个帐篷和一个睡袋便搬进了清华宿舍楼顶层的过道里。

5.From outward appearance of dormitory building, our pving conditions have improved greatly clean and tidy.可能从外观上看,我们的居住条件得以了极大的改善-干净、整洁。

6.After leaving the message, thousands of eager potential boyfriends swarmed to the dormitory building where Zhang Mengqian pves.在发出消息后,上千热切企盼的男生涌向该女生居住的寝室。

7.We plan to mainly construct of have: Teaching building, pbrary, the experiment building, dormitory building.我们计划主要建设的有:教学楼、图书馆、实验楼、宿舍楼。

8.The building being built is our dormitory building.正在建设的这座大楼是我们的宿舍楼。

9.Students'Dormitory Building of P. L. A. Foreign Languages Institute in Luoyang.洛阳解放军外国语学院学员宿舍楼。

10.He oversees landscaping, uniform buying, dormitory building and hiring as many as 3, 000 new workers a day during peak periods.他负责的工作还有景观美化、工作服采购、兴建职工宿舍以及员工招聘等工作,用工高峰时园区每天招聘的新员工多达3,000人。