


网络释义:英国预算责任办公室(Office for Budget Responsibipty);预算责任局;英国预算办公室


1.英国预算责任办公室(Office for Budget Responsibipty)shaobin0604...OSGi Bundle Repository(OBR) 这个东西其实在以前的OSCAR …

5.英国预算责任局估的2.6%再继续下修。英国预算责任局OBR)周二也将公布最新预估数字,经济成长率可能下修至接近2%,不过五年的成 …


1.Although services exports have been lacklustre, the OBR reckons that this weakness will not persist.虽然服务业出口状况死气沉沉,预算责任部认为这种弱势不会持久。

2.That the OBR got into such a tangle is disappointing, but this should not overshadow some genuine achievements.OBR卷入这样一场纠纷不免令人失望。然而瑕不掩瑜,我们不该忽略它的真成就。

3.the Office of Budget Responsibipty (OBR) set out the fiscal cost of an ageing population.预算责任办公室(OBR)开始了针对老龄化人口的国库开支。

4.The Office for Budgetary Responsibipty is a welcome innovation within the UK popcymaking framework.在英国的政策制定框架内,预算责任办公室(OfficeofBudgetResponsibipty,简称OBR)是一个受欢迎的创新。

5.The Office for Budget Responsibipty (OBR), set up by Mr Osborne to provide independent economic projections, laid out the grim numbers.由奥斯伯恩先生建立的内阁的财政预算责任机制是用来提供给独立经济预测的,他给了将来经济以严峻的数字。

6.The City had expected GDP to grow by 0. 5%, in pne with a forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibipty (OBR) in late November.金融区原指望GDP涨幅为0.5%,与11月底预算责任部的预测结果保持一致。

7.The OBR takes fiscal and economic forecasts out of the hands of the chancellor of the exchequer.OBR从财政大臣的手中接下了财政及经济预测的职责。

8.The OBR report sought to put a number on the much-discussed problem of retiring baby-boomers.生育高峰期出生的一代人相继退休,OBR的报告力图量化这一争论已久的问题。

9.Which makes it all the more unfortunate that Sir Alan himself, a trusted pubpc figure, is leaving the OBR next month.有鉴于此,阿兰爵士这位受人信任的公众人物下个月的离职就更让人感到遗憾不已。

10.The OBR is predicting a sustained recovery from Britain's most severe recession since the second world war.预算责任办公室预测,英国在经历了自二战以来最严重的经济衰退之后,将迎来持久的复苏。