


美式发音: ['dip'it'i] 英式发音: ['di:p'i:t'i:]

abbr.(=diphtheria pertussis tetanus)白喉

英文单词:百白破疫苗;百白破(Diphtheria Pertussis tetanus);白百破(Diphtheria)


abbr.1.(=diphtheria pertussis tetanus)白喉,百日咳,破伤风混合血清

abbr.1.(=diphtheria pertussis tetanus)

1.百白破疫苗美国成为一个注册物理治疗师,必须最少完成为期3年的Doctor of Physical Therapy(DPT)或Master of Physical Therapy(MPT…


1.DPT is in the final stages of developing and implementing what might be called a pay-as-you-go plan.白喉,百日咳,破伤风是在最后阶段的制定和实施所谓的工资作为你去计划。

2.None of these confirmed the observations from Guinea - Bissau with respect to the DPT vaccine .没有一项结果能够验证上述在几内亚-比绍接种DPT疫苗后观察到的结果。

3.And DPT processing in terms of range cell leads to the estimation of acceleration and initial velocity.按距离单元进行的DPT处理可获得目标加速度和初始速度的估计。

4.An intervention package involving community volunteers significantly improved age-appropriate DPT immunization in India.由社区义工参与的干预措施组合大大改善了印度适龄儿童的DPT疫苗接种。

5.Green says the plan is to focus on prescription drugs first, though DPT also handles over-the-counter items.格林说,这个计划的重点是处方药头,但白喉,百日咳,破伤风还处理柜台项目。

6.DPT is a promising technique that bridges the anticipated technology gap for next nodes by utilizing current tools without changing much.双重图形技术只需对现有光刻基础设施进行很小的改动,就可以有效填补更小节点的光刻技术空白。

7.Design dpt acts as the intermediate between client requirements and project execution.设计部是客户需求和项目执行的纽带。

8.In particular, the studies showed no negative effect of DPT vaccination and no difference between males and females.尤其是,研究表明DPT疫苗所产生的副作用在男女之间没有差异。

9.They gave him his second DPT shot that day. He became brain-damaged .他们那天让孩子接种了第二针DPT。他的脑子损坏了。

10.DPT vaccination may cause local induration, fever and other side effects, the general reaction of 2 ~ 3 days to disappear.百白破疫苗接种后可能会引起局部硬结、发热等副反应,一般反应2~3天内消失。