


英文单词:循证医学(evidence-based medicine);实证医学;循征医学


1.循证医学(evidence-based medicine)一种标准。近来的技术进展去除多次熔炼,只经过一次电子束熔炼EBM)或等离子弧熔炼(PAM)处理,生产出的钛即可 …


1."We are very relaxed about this, " said Hans-Jochen Beilke, head of Ebm-Papst, a producer of industrial fans and electric motors.工业风扇和电动机生产商Ebm-Papst的负责人汉斯-约亨•拜尔克(Hans-JochenBeilke)说:“我们对此非常轻松。”

2.It pointed out the disadvantage of EBM: EBM cant replace the doctors clinical technology and skills as well as the experiences.同时也指出了循证医学的不足之处:循证医学不能代替医生的临床专业技能和经验。

3.In the ideal EBM model, the best available evidence from the literature is combined with clinical experience and patients' values.在理想的循证医学模型中,来自于文献的最佳的有效证据是临床经验和病人价值的结合。

4.Methods Essential ideas and thinking modality and practicable process of EBM that are appropriate in environment medicine were presented.方法介绍循证医学的基本要素和实践过程。

5.Evidence-based medicine(EBM) is an approach to clinical decision making for patients based on sufficient evidence in clinical practices.循证医学是在临床实践中通过科学的方法获得最充分的证据,并对病人做出最佳诊治决策的一门科学。

6.Objective: To discuss the significance of emergency treatment in renal colic by EBM(evidence-based medicine).目的:探讨用循证医学观点分析并指导肾绞痛的急诊处置的意义。

7.Prof. Oparil: The discipline of evidence-based medicine is still evolving.Oparil教授:循证医学(EBM)的指导原则仍在不断向前推进。

8.Conclusions: To master and apply EBM theory , more optimize and scientific treatment. . .结论:掌握和应用循证医学理论,可以对急诊肾绞痛做出更加优化和科学的处置。

9.EBM also takes into account objective literature, subjective physician's experience, and the patient's opinion.实证医学的基础包括客观文献证据,主观医师意见,以及病人意见等。

10.EBM provides a new mode for the reformation of the paediatric student teaching.为儿科实践教学的改革提供了一种新的模式。