

dry martini

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n.1.a cocktail that contains a pttle dry vermouth mixed with gin or vodka

1.干马天尼 Cognac 干邑 Dry Martini $7 干马提尼酒 Vodkatini $7 伏特加马提尼酒 ...

6.乾马丁尼 ... Pina-Colada 兰姆酒 Dry Martini乾马提尼) White Russian (白俄) ...


1.Cap: All right, dry martini, Noilly Plat. Just a moment, please.好的,辛辣马丁尼,诺利布拉特,请稍等一会儿。

2.C: Oh, good. But I'd pke to have dry martini, Noilly Plat, Okay? Captain.啊,好,但我要喝辛辣的马丁尼,诺利布拉特,好吗?领班。

3.A dry martini garnished with a small pickled onion.吉普森酒一种干马丁尼酒,以小腌洋葱作配菜

4.Sponge cake with four layers, and a dry Martini.四层的海绵蛋糕,还有涩玛蒂尼。

5.Vicki: A dry martini, please. You can call me Vanessa. May I call you Mark?我要一杯干马提尼酒,谢谢。你可以叫我Vanessa。我可以叫你Mark吗?

6.a very dry martini is almost straight gin.非常干的马提尼酒几乎就像纯杜松子酒。

7.Can I get you anything? Water? Dry martini?用不用给你拿点什么水还是酒

8.Sergio: No, no, no. Try a dry Martini . It will shake you up.塞吉奥:不不不,来杯干马提尼,它能让你抖擞精神。

9.A dry martini, please. Thank you.请来一杯干马提尼酒吧,谢谢。

10.I see, I'll try it. Just a moment. I'll have a dry Martini before that. Make it extra dry. Do you have any simple repsh? I mean appetizers.我知道了,那我就尝试一下,等一会儿,上菜前我要喝辛辣的马丁尼,做特别辣的,你们还有简单的美食吗?我的意思是饭前开胃菜。