




1.离开北京 arrival time 到达时间 leave Beijing 离开北京 leave for Beijing 出发去北京 ...


1.I must say I was reluctant to leave Beijing because I had such a good time working on that project but it's really good to be back.我一定要说我不怎么愿意离开北京,因为我在那里度过了一段很愉快的工作时光,(是不是说的拍摄《夜宴》?)但是能回来香港也真好。

2.As the afternoon train reached peak speed, Jakub Nawrot sat in the dining car and recounted trying to leave Beijing the day before.这趟在下午开行的列车达到了最高时速时,雅库布诺罗特(音)坐在餐车里讲述着他前一天尝试离开北京的经历。

3.Wang pondered, then said he was actually repeved to leave Beijing. "Besides, " he added.小王想了片刻,然后说离开北京他倒是松了一口气。

4.I'm very sorry to tell you that Mr Wang got to do something in a hurry. He had to leave Beijing for Shanghai.非常抱歉,王先生突然有事,他不得不离开北京去上海。

5.Gibbs said that Huntsman has been on several poptical officials said he planned to leave Beijing early this year.吉布斯说,洪博培已经对几名政界要员表示,他计划在今年年初离开北京。

6.If all the migrants were to leave, Beijing would grind to a halt.那是因为我们希想让他们留下来,我们需要他们留下来;如果农民工都走了,北京就会陷入停顿。

7.It's a pity to leave Beijing without a taste of Beijing roast duck for it is a famous dish with local flavor.到北京不吃烤鸭真遗憾,烤鸭是北京的名菜,别有风味。

8.She said that she would leave Beijing next month .她说她下个月要离开北京。

9.Mr. Hill was scheduled to leave Beijing on Sunday after his series of meetings, including one with the Chinese foreign minister, Wu Dawei. .Hill先生在结束他的一系列会谈后定于周日离开北京,包括与外交部副部长武大伟的会面。

10.I'm going to leave Beijing for Shanghai.我要离开北京去上海。