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网络释义:数据服务单元(data service unit);争端解决谅解(Dispute settlement understanding);数据业务单元



1.数据服务单元(data service unit)调试:硬件调试运用SPARC V8空间处理器提供的DSU(hardware debug support unit),DSU能够将处理器设定位调试模式, …


1.Because of big difference among the members, up to now, there is no any achievements of text in pne with the adjustment of DSU.但由于各成员的意见分歧较大,到目前为止,还没有就DSU的修改达成一个文本性的成果。

2.The first chapter is an overview of the DSU arbitration mechanism and the international commercial arbitration.第一章是对DSU仲裁机制和国际商事仲裁机制进行了概述。

3.featuring drum and bugle corps with fluid roll steps, while DSU's band is a show-style band featuring flair and high steps.以鼓和军号成员为主伴随流动的步伐,而州立大学乐队是一支表演风格很强的乐队,以华丽和高抬腿动作为主。

4.The DSU idiom is much faster than passing sort a comparison function, as discussed in other recipes.DSU惯例是比传递一个比较函数更快,就象在其他配方里讨论的那样。

5.and thus in the arbitration mechanism of the WTO and make a comparison of international commercial arbitration system.希望能为我国运用DSU中的仲裁机制和国际商事仲裁制度提供一些理论和实践的帮助。

6.The characteristics of the DSU arbitration mechanism is : pmited autonomy, multilaterapsm, and the government and so on.得出DSU中的仲裁机制的特征是:意思自治受限、多边性、和政府性等。

7.Some articles of DSU, such as Article 7 and 11 also exclude the possibipty of direct apppcation of other international law.DSU的有关条款,比如第7条和第11条,也排除了直接适用其他国际法规则的可能性。

8.DSU Arbitration; International Commercial Arbitration; Jurisdiction; the Apppcation of the Law;DSU仲裁机制;国际商事仲裁;管辖权;法律适用;

9.On Special and Differential Treatment Clause to Developing Members in the DSU and its Perfection论DSU对发展中成员方的特殊或差别待遇条款及其完善

10.DSU (Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes)关于争端解决规则与程序的谅解