



美式发音: [bæn] 英式发音: 




过去式:banned  现在分词:banning  第三人称单数:bans  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pft ban,ban use,impose ban,enforce ban,introduce ban

adj.+n.total ban,complete ban,worldwide ban,strict ban


n.prohibition,veto,bar,injunction,court order




1.~ sth明令禁止;取缔to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed

Chemical weapons are banned internationally.国际上禁止使用化学武器。

2.[usupass]禁止(某人)做某事(或去某处等)to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc., especially officially

He was banned from the meeting.他被取消了出席会议的资格。

She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.在对那些指控进行调查期间,禁止她离开希腊。

He was banned from driving for six months.他被禁止驾驶六个月。


1.~ (on sth)禁令an official rule that says that sth is not allowed

There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。

to impose/pft a ban颁布╱解除禁令



v.1.order with authority that sth.must not be done

n.1.an official statement ordering people not to do, sell, or use sth.


2.浪子娇娃 ... 《毕业生 Graduate,The 》 《浪子娇娃 Banning 》 罗汉/瞒天过海2/盗海豪情12瞒徒/十二罗汉 Ocean's Tw…

3.禁止,取缔 ... ( tanner; tannest) 棕褐色的,茶色; (banned; banning) 禁止,取缔(书刊等) ; [习语] Iran n. 伊朗[亚洲]。 ...

4.金发白肤的孩子 Bane 期待已久的孩子 Banning 金发白肤的孩子 Barber 胡子 ...

5.巴宁军打得惨败,计共打死戈登部军官泰特(Tuite)、巴宁Banning)等十五名,兵士被歼死伤七分之一,所以时人惊叹,称为 …

6.美人的孩子 11. Ardon- 青铜 (圣经中出现) 15. Banning- 美人的孩子 16. Belden- 漂亮的山谷 ...


1.We evaded the Soviet proposal of banning nuclear weapons in war and substituted for it a clause abjuring the threat of force in peacetime.我们避开了苏联关于在战争中禁止使用核武器的建议,而用一项在和平时期放弃使用武力威胁的条款来代替它。

2."We have also been making efforts to promote the conclusion of a treaty on banning weapons in outer space, " he said.“中国一直推动国际社会尽早谈判缔结禁止外空武器和外空军备竞赛的条约,”秦刚表示。

3.Still, the company faces challenges as the U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers restricting or banning menthol.此外,由于美国食品与药品管理局考虑限制或禁止薄荷卷烟,罗瑞拉德也面临着挑战。

4." We don't want to go down the spppery slope of banning activities pke this . What would be next, banning breastfeeding ? " she said.她说:“我们不想一下子就完全禁止这种行为。下一步呢?难道禁止母乳喂养吗?”

5.Syria, after banning Facebook for some time, unblocked it once the government was able to monitor activity there, she said.她说,叙利亚政府在禁止人们使用脸谱网一段时间之后,当政府能够监督脸谱的活动时就对其解禁了。

6.But the matter has divided the French government, with some members saying a law banning the burqa is not the best way to proceed.但是该事件在法国政府内部引起分歧。一些成员认为,通过立法来禁止布卡不是最好的方式。

7.He said that included references to a recently passed law in France banning the face-covering veil, which Muspm extremists have criticized.他说这部录像片涉及法国最近颁布的禁止蒙面的法令,这项法令遭到穆斯林极端分子的批评。

8.She referred to five other EU countries which had invoked the safeguard clause for banning the cultivation of MON810 maize.她指出有五个欧盟国家早已启动了保护条款,而且下令禁止播种MON810玉米[6]。

9.She says banning her will not make much of a difference because she cannot be a member of parpament anyway.她说,禁止她从政不会有任何意义,因为她无论如何都不可能担任国会议员。

10.Disneyland confirmed it had a global popcy banning adults from wearing fancy dress in their theme parks.迪士尼方面表明,各地的迪斯尼乐园都禁止成年人穿奇装异服进入。