


美式发音: [dwɔrf] 英式发音: [dwɔː(r)f]





复数:dwarves  复数:dwarfs  现在分词:dwarfing  过去式:dwarfed  



1.(神话中会魔法的)小矮人(in stories) a creature like a small man, who has magic powers and who is usually described as living and working under the ground, especially working with metal

2.矮子;侏儒an extremely small person, who will never grow to a normal size because of a physical problem; a person suffering from dwarfism


1.[obn]矮小的much smaller than the normal size

dwarf conifers矮小的针叶树


1.~ sth使显得矮小;使相形见绌to make sth seem small or unimportant compared with sth else

The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小。




n.1.an imaginary creature in childrens stories that looks like a very small old man2.an offensive word for a person affected with the medical condition of dwarfism3.a very small star that does not shine brightly

adj.1.a dwarf tree, plant, or animal is much shorter or smaller than others of the same type

v.1.to make something seem small or unimportant2.to make someone seem small

1.矮人 divine a. 神的,敬神的 dwarf n. 侏儒,矮小的植物 ebb v. 退潮、衰退? ...

3.矮子 launch vt. 发射;使(船)下水 n.发射,(船)下水 dwarf n. 矮子;[天]矮星 twin a./n. 双胞胎(的) ...

4.变矮小 durable \adj. 持久的, 耐用的 dwarf \n. 矮子, 侏儒 \v.(使)变矮小 dwell \vi. 居住, 踌躇 ...

5.矮星 launch vt. 发射;使(船)下水 n.发射,(船)下水 dwarf n. 矮子;[天]矮星 twin a./n. 双胞胎(的) ...

6.小矮人 Giant 巨人;巨大的 Dwarf 小矮人 Factor 因素 ...

7.使相形见绌 ... Concession 让步 dwarf 使…相形见绌 ) redundancy 累赘,冗余 2) ...


1.He took Yandry back to the tiller, where they spoke in low voices, too quietly for the dwarf to hear.他示意杨恩德里来船舵那里,低声交谈,侏儒甚至听不清他们说话。

2.Badenes's team examined archival observations and found a white dwarf and neutron star orbiting one another extremely closely.Badenes的团队试验档案观测并发现白色小的中子星体非常近的围绕另一个运转。

3.Several dark elves have been caught trying to sneak into a dwarf city.几个黑暗精灵在企图潜入矮人城市时被捕获。

4.The litter was as slow as it was comfortable, however, and the dwarf soon found himself itching with impatience.轿子还是慢慢行进保证着乘坐者的舒适,但是侏儒很快就发现自己被不耐烦弄的浑身痒痒。

5.Although the dwarf knew that she had done this to save his life, he flew into a terrible rage.虽然小矮人知道她这样做是为了救自己的命,他还是大发雷霆。

6."He says that it is good luck to rub the head of a dwarf, " Haldon said after an exchange with the guard in his own tongue.“他说揉一个侏儒的脑袋能带来好运,”哈尔顿和守卫用他们的语言交谈后说。

7.He's approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf, and his chin would be underwater in the shallow end of any swimming pool on the planet.他体型大概就跟一个大腹便便的小矮人差不多,这世上任何一个泳池的浅水区都能盖过他的下巴。

8.the dwarf asked him as they stuffed themselves with cold capon and a relish made of carrots, raisins, and bits of lime and orange.侏儒问,与此同时,他们正往肚子里填冷阉鸡和用胡萝卜、葡萄干和一点酸橙和橙子的酱汁。

9.The other dwarf felt his stare. When he raised his head and saw Tyrion, the spoon slipped from his hand.另一个侏儒感觉到他的目光,当他抬起头看到提利昂时,他的勺子从手上滑落。

10."How came you to think of him? " said the dwarf in a tone of great commiseration.“你怎么会想到他的?”矮子说,带着绝大怜悯的声调。