


美式发音: [ɑrt] 英式发音: [ɑː(r)t]



英文单词:艺术(Artistic);美术;辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technology)

复数:arts  搭配同义词

adj.+n.modern art,chinese art,contemporary art,western art,ancient art

v.+n.learn art,study art,teach art,sell art

n.liberal arts



1.[u]艺术,美术(尤指绘画、雕刻、雕塑)the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture

modern/contemporary/American art现代╱当代╱美国艺术

an art critic/historian/lover艺术批评家╱史家╱爱好者

Can we call television art?我们能把电视称作艺术吗?

stolen works of art被盗艺术品

Her performance displayed great art.她的表演展现了精湛的技艺。

2.[u]艺术作品;美术作品examples of objects such as paintings, drawings or sculptures

an art gallery/exhibition美术馆;美术展览

a collection of art and antiques一批收藏的艺术品和古董

3.[u]艺术技巧the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especially when you study it

She's good at art and design.她擅长美术和设计。

an art teacher/student/college/class美术教师╱学生╱学院╱班

4.[pl](统称)艺术art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group

lottery funding for the arts为艺术筹集资金的彩票

5.[c]表演艺术a type of visual or performing art

Dance is a very theatrical art.舞蹈是非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术。

6.[c][usupl]人文科学,文科(如语言、历史、文学)the subjects you can study at school or university that are not scientific, such as languages, history or literature

an arts degree文科学位

7.[c][u]技能;技术;技巧an ability or a skill that you can develop with training and practice

a therapist trained in the art of healing接受过治疗技术训练的治疗员

Letter-writing is a lost art nowadays.当今尺牍是一种已消失的技巧。

Appearing confident at interviews is quite an art(= rather difficult) .面试时表现出充满信心是一门很高的艺术。


1.(即 you are,对一人讲话时用)used to mean ‘you are’, when talking to one person


v.1.使艺术化2.〈古,诗〉be 的第二人称,单数,现在,陈述语气

n.1.the activity of painting, drawing, or creating sculptures; painting, drawing, and sculpture as subjects you study2.paintings, drawings, and sculptures that are created to be beautiful or to express ideas; something that people feel has value because it is beautiful or expresses ideas3.subjects of study that are not scientific, such as history, literature, and languages4.activities such as art, music, movies, theater, and dance, considered together5.an activity that needs special skills or knowledge1.the activity of painting, drawing, or creating sculptures; painting, drawing, and sculpture as subjects you study2.paintings, drawings, and sculptures that are created to be beautiful or to express ideas; something that people feel has value because it is beautiful or expresses ideas3.subjects of study that are not scientific, such as history, literature, and languages4.activities such as art, music, movies, theater, and dance, considered together5.an activity that needs special skills or knowledge

1.艺术(Artistic) School Day 学校庆祝日 art n. 艺术;美术;艺术品 festival n. (音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧性等之) …

3.辅助生殖技术(assisted reproductive technology)会(SART)主席David Ball博士报告,由辅助生殖技术(ART)产生的多胞胎数量正持续下降,在2011年利用ART生育后代的女性 …

4.技艺 arrow n. 箭;箭头 art n. 艺术,美术;技艺 article n. 文章;东西,物品;冠 词 ...

5.艺术品 School Day 学校庆祝日 art n. 艺术;美术;艺术品 festival n. (音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧性等之) …

6.艺术总监 (Product Manager) 产品经理 CAO:Art 艺术总监 CBO:Business 商务总监 ...

7.艺术学 传播学 Communication 艺术学 Art 艺术学 Art Theory ...


1.It was a time that produced some of the greatest thought and art that the world has ever known.这段时期中,希腊产生了人类历史上最伟大的思想和艺术瑰宝。

2.Ah you say art, art of what you know, the hair from a non-slip coated with a yellow autumn you artists you, you have to feather friends.你丫说艺术,懂艺术么你,把自个头发涂个黄不溜秋的你就艺术家啦,就得瑟啦。

3.It is followed by the fifth part which deals with how the concept of regional features can be utilized in modern environment art design.第五部分结合部分实例分析了现代环境艺术如何利用地域特征进行设计的概念与方法。

4.After only a few day's instruction, she got typing off to a fine art.仅仅经过几天的训练,她的打字技术就达到极其出色的程度。

5.The forth part of this paper is conclusion part, I give a simple summary on experimental nature of Chinese contemporary art .第四部分是结论部分,本人对中国当代艺术的实验性进行了简单的总结。

6.The telephone has almost killed the ancient art of letter writing , which used to be the only method of long distance communication .写信过去一向是长途通讯的惟一方式,可电话几乎扼杀了这个古代的写信艺术。

7.She said the show seems customized for her and offers her opportunities to meet some interesting people in the movie and art circles.她说,这个节目好像专为她量身定作,并让她有机会接触到影艺界一些有趣的人。

8.Then said the Virgin Mary, "Thou hast not obeyed me, and besides that thou hast lied, thou art no longer worthy to be in heaven. "圣母玛利亚说:“你没有听我的话,而且你还撒谎。你不配再在天堂住下去了。”

9.Mrs Kan has turned the Japanese tradition of publicly downplaying the achievements of loved ones into something of an art form.菅伸子已经把公开无视所爱之人获得的成就这一日本传统变成了一种艺术形式。

10.And basically to ask the questions, What if art was aware that we were looking at it?作品的概念基本上是提出这样的问题,如果艺术品本身可以意识到我们在看它,又会怎样?