




1.达姆尤和格拉夫(Graf)演奏的《长笛与竖琴协奏曲》、达姆(Damm)演奏的4首圆号协奏曲和为圆号和乐队而作的《降E大调协奏曲 …

2.荡 挡 damc (菪) damm 档 damy ...

3.会阴 Blutungen 出血 Damm 会阴 Diabetes 糖尿病 ...


1.And then I thought, oh! Damm! Paige's carseat is in Tom's car, and I'll have to get a new one.然后我想,哦,该死地!佩奇的汽车座椅还在Tom的车里,我还得再买一个新的。

2.He played for the suns they never won anything and he played for the sixer damm they never won anything.他效力于太阳队,太阳他们也没有赢得什么,他为sixer打比赛,也从未赢得什么。

3.just pass a street and you are in famous shopping street Ku'damm (passing by a ZOO).只需要穿过一条街道,你就能置身于著名的商业街库达姆街(期间会路过一座小公园)。

4.At the first parade, in 1989, 150 people cavorted down West Berpn's Ku'damm to the blare of techno from a single Volkswagen bus.在1989年的首次游行上,150名群众伴着一辆大众公交车上传来的泰克诺乐曲翩翩起舞,沿着西柏林Ku’damm大街而去。

5.Shine than daddy's gana buy you a whole damm mine.那爸爸会为你买下整坐钻石矿

6.Damm! who cares about Tibet! We now want to free Wales!该死,谁他妈关心西藏啊,我们现在想做的是解放威尔士!

7.If we damn Mac Gregor, then history will damm us.如果我们谴责麦克格雷格,那么历史就会谴责我们。

8.Damm it! How are you kilpng me with a single shot? It's not fair! I don't want to play anymore! Let's go get something to eat.见鬼。你怎么一枪都把我打死了?太不公平了。我不想再玩了。我们去买点吃的吧。

9.Cause I don't give a damm if you're the perfect man因为我不给damm如果你是完美的男人