




1.霍亚是由退役职业拳击手、曾经六个级别冠军奥斯卡.德拉.霍亚De La Hoya)创建的,霍亚拥有公司大部分股权。

2.金童霍亚本文导读:金童霍亚De La Hoya)最近在他的个人微博上表示只有他和乔西.路易斯.卡斯特罗(Jose Luis Castillo)曾经将近于 …

3.拳王德拉霍亚  排在老虎之后的是拳王德拉霍亚( De La Hoya),他的收入是5,500万;高尔夫明星米克森(P. Mickelson)以5,125万列第三。美国 …


1.Springer maintains that De La Hoya was the last boxer that was really covered by the general sports media.斯普林格则坚持认为,霍亚是最后一个能被大众体育媒体倾心报道的拳手。

2.De Leon, a natural left-hander, grew up from the age of 7 fighting right-handed, much pke his boxing idol Oscar De La Hoya.德莱昂天生是个左撇子,为了向偶像奥斯卡-德-拉-霍亚(OscarDeLaHoya)学习,从7岁开始就使用右手打拳。

3.Alas, all of this will be over if De La Hoya announces his retirement at a news conference Tuesday in downtown Los Angeles.哎呀,如果霍亚在周二洛杉矶商业区的新闻发布会上宣布他离开拳台,那么他的职业生涯就真的画上一个句号了。

4.Oscar De La Hoya leaving four months after being thoroughly beaten, his fourth loss in his last seven fights.他在一次惨败后销声匿迹了四个月,那次惨败也是其职业生涯最后七战中的第四次失利。

5."Somebody will come along, " said Merchant, who attended De La Hoya's retirement announcement "Somebody always does. "“会有人的,”这位曾出席霍亚退休发布会的莫奇安特说,“江山代代有人出。”

6.When we eat at the restaurant next to the gym, they often are playing a tape of my fight with Oscar De La Hoya .我们在训练营隔壁的饭馆吃饭,他们经常播出我和霍亚比赛的录像。

7.Mayweather, though, has to prove he can sell tickets and pay-per-views on his own, without a De La Hoya as his foil.还有,梅威瑟也得证明:在缺少霍亚给他镀金的情况下,自己能够售出门票和有线付费户数。

8.De La Hoya has long been boxing's most popular fighter and biggest attraction.霍亚一直是最有号召力和最炙手可热的拳手。

9.I fought there on the undercard of Oscar De La Hoya's fights and some other title fights.我在那儿作为奥斯卡德拉霍亚和其他一些头衔的比赛的垫场赛出赛。