




1.黛 ... 玳 daihw DAN dan 单 danf ...

2.林娜冰 Yumiko - 马伊娜 Dan Dan - 林娜冰 Zhang Zi Xi - 张梓希 ...

3.牡丹道(dao dao) 喜欢(huan huan) 牡丹dan dan) 名(min ming)字(zi zi) 小时(shi si)候(hou hou) 看见(jian jia…

4.一担 ... sexyman 时间: Dan Dan 时间: ...


1.Qi, hearing this hesitated back to: "this called" virtual bodhi clear Dan Dan is against the day of survived the heart the use.斯琪听了这话犹豫了一下回到:“此丹名为‘清虚菩提丹’是抵御天劫时的心魔所用。”

2.Pavipon board, Dan Dan overlooking the sea, surrounded by many buildings, open-minded, near the temple get visual, quiet far-reaching.登临亭阁,远眺海水澹澹,四周楼宇林立,心胸开阔,近揽古庙钟鼓,幽静深远。

3.at some of the network television program on the SONG Dan-dan impression is more approachable, but the show seems not the case.我们平时在沸点网络电视的一些节目中对宋丹丹的印象是比较平易近人的,但是显示的情况似乎并不是这样。

4.I remember the cucumbers because, despite also being spicy, they tamed the heat in my mouth from the dan dan noodles.而我记得黄瓜沙拉是因为尽管它也很辣,但却可以减轻我嘴里吃担担面所留下的热辣感。

5.SONG Dan-dan play that flying cutter Erdangjia doors, the general effect.宋丹丹扮演的那个飞刀门二当家的,效果一般。

6.ZHOU Dan-dan. Adsorption of bio-carbon on organic pollutants and the mechanism of regulation[D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2008.周丹丹。生物碳质对有机污染物的吸附作用及机理调控[D]。杭州:浙江大学,2008。

7.Translated as "shoulderpole noodles" , it loses its sound and rhythm; as "Dan dan noodles" , it sounds nice but lacks meaning.将它译成shoulderpolenoodles就失去了音律美;译成Dandannoodles听起来不错,但缺乏深意。

8.It turned out that his Xixihaha, Dan Dan sing appearance, the stars are hiding sensitive and sentimental heart!原来,他那嘻嘻哈哈、弹弹唱唱的外表下,也藏着颗敏感而多情的心!

9.We ate about 4 or 5 dishes, but I don't remember any except the dan dan noodles and cold cucumber salad.我们一共吃了4道或者5道菜,但除了担担面和凉的黄瓜沙拉而外,其他的菜我都不记得了。

10.Dan, Dan, dude. You have to come over to my house right now!丹,丹,哥们。你必须马上到我家来。