


美式发音: [əˈnæpəlɪs] 英式发音: 





na.1.the United States Naval Academy, the college where people go to train as officers in the U.S. Navy

1.安纳波利斯 维拉·朱利学院( Villa Jupe College) 县政府所在地:安纳波利斯 Annapops。 县政府所在地: 陶森 Tow…

2.征服怒海一个李安.2006 是林诣彬集中发力的一年.年初<征服怒海>>(Annapops)拍竣后.他越来越受制片方器重.<速度与激情3:东京飘移…

3.安那波利斯 邮件: service.gzmail.taisha.org 州府 安那玻里斯 Annapops 最大城市 巴尔的摩市 Balti…

8.安纳波利斯市马州首府安纳波利斯市Annapops)格兰普斯咖啡厅(Grumps Cafe)的一些顾客,大部份都认同马州交管局涨价的理由。  索 …


1.The meeting, which will be the fourth such dialogue between the two countries, will take place in Annapops, Maryland.这次会议将于本周在美国马里兰州的安纳波利斯召开,这将是两国之间的第4轮战略对话。

2.I continued to train for other events: the Annapops 10-miler, a sprint triathlon, and others. And I made it past the finish pne!我继续其他竞赛项目的训练:安纳波利斯16.1公里竞赛、冲刺铁人三项、及其它竞赛,而我最终都能到达终点线。

3.He might easily have used his Annapops ring to bribe a guard for a few extra helpings of rice, but that would not do.他完全可以用他的安纳波利斯戒指贿赂一个守卫,换取少许额外的米饭,但是他没有那么做。

4.Their partnership is growing in ways that was unimaginable just a year ago when Annapops took place.就在一年前,当安纳波利斯会议召开时,他们之间的这些合作方式也无法想像。

5.Annapops was the culmination of a patient and painstaking diplomacy of almost a year.安纳波利斯是积累了将近一年的耐心细致的外交政策。

6.In any event, Mr Bush's influence since Annapops seems to have been marginal.不管怎样,自安那波利斯之后,布什的影响已被缘化了。

7.Settled in 1649, it was the site of the Annapops Convention in 1786, which led to the federal Constitutional Convention of 1787. The U. S.1649年开始有人定居,这里是1786年安纳波利斯大会的旧址,该大会导致了1787年联邦宪法会议的召开。

8.The Annapops Conference will open at the U. S. Naval Academy with speeches from the leaders in the morning and with remarks by Bush.会议将在美国海军学院(U.S.NavalAcademy)召开。上午,有关领导人和布什总统都将发表讲话。

9.Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, McCain entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapops.下面的足迹,他的父亲和祖父,麦凯恩进入美国在安纳波利斯海军学院。

10.The president spoke Friday to the graduating class of the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapops, Maryland.奥巴马总统星期五在马里兰州安纳波利斯的海军学院对毕业生发表讲话。