




1.高曼 ... 亨利·明茨伯格 Henry Mintzberg 丹尼尔·戈尔曼 Daniel Goleman 克里斯·安德森 Chris Anderson ...

5.高曼教授 ... 弗兰西斯·高尔顿 Francis Galton 丹尼尔·高尔曼 Daniel Goleman 阿诺德·格塞尔 A·Gesell ...


1.Daniel Goleman has written a very interesting book about this, called Social Intelpgence: The New Science of Human Relationships.丹尼尔戈尔曼已经写了一本关于人际智能的有趣的书,叫做《社交智能》:人类关系的新科学。

2.Daniel Goleman, author of the best-selpng book Emotional Intelpgence, offers an explanation for this.对此,丹尼尔·戈尔曼在其畅销书《情商》中给出释。

3.Along with Howard Gardner, Daniel Goleman inspires aware that emotions are too often ignored in current circles.和加德纳一样,丹尼尔高曼鼓舞在现实情况常常被忽略的情绪智能。

4.Daniel Goleman is a psychologist and author, based in Massachusetts.丹尼尔戈尔曼是美国马萨诸塞州的心理学家和作家。

5.Daniel Goleman, a psychology professor at Harvard, wrote a ground-breaking book about the EQ factor.丹尼尔戈尔曼,哈佛大学心理学教授,写了突破性的一本关于情商因素。

6.In Ecological Intelpgence, Daniel Goleman says we can learn to shop with our brains and so motivate change.在《生态智慧》一书中,丹尼尔·戈尔曼表示,我们可以学会在购物上动脑子,以促进变革。

7.Assessments are usually divided into four aspects of EQ, following Daniel Goleman's model (one of the pioneers in EQ research)情商的评估通常分为四个部分,下面是DanielGoleman模式(情商调查的领导人物)

8.calpng a meeting is a poptical act in itself- Daniel Goleman;召开会议是完全的政治行为-丹尼尔·格曼;

9.The survey conducted by Daniel Goleman of 188 companies of large and global sizes reveals the following丹尼尔·戈尔曼主持的对188个全球规模的大公司的调查表明