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网络释义:一是全地形车(ALL TERRAIN BIKE);碎石基层;沥青稳定碎石


abbr.1.all-terrain bike2.all-terrain boarding

1.一是全地形车(ALL TERRAIN BIKE)的主要就是这类车。山地车70年代诞生在美国,比较风行,相当多的车友用山地车来旅行,其中全地形山地车ATBall terrai

2.碎石基层06.05 计量与支付 150第307节 沥青稳定碎石基层ATB) 150307.01 范围 150307.02 材料 150307.03 沥青稳定碎石ATB-25 …

3.沥青稳定碎石隙率、集料最大粒径、添加矿粉数量的多少,分为密集配沥青稳定碎石ATB)、开级配沥青碎石(OGFC表面层及ATPB基 …

4.沥青稳定碎石混合料 石灰改善高液限土工程特性的试验研究 GTM沥青砼在高速公路应用及存在问 …


1.In its thermoplastic unique the atb strength, make it become small steel cutting parts of cheap substitute.在其热塑塑料中独一无二的抗扭强度,使其成为小型钢制切削零件的廉价替代品。

2.The identification and drug-sensitivity of the bacteria were tested by French bioMerieux ATB.用法国梅里埃ATB自动细菌分析仪进行细菌鉴定和药敏分析。

3.The test results show that ATB has good resistance to vertical deformation, fatigue and moisture-sensitivity.结果表明沥青稳定碎石材料具有良好的抵抗竖向变形能力、抗疲劳性能和水稳定性。

4.It turns out that there's a bug in Windows 7 that launches the old XP-style Alt-Tab switcher under certain conditions.它证明了在某些条件下,winodows7中有个bug能启动XP风格的ATB-TAB切换界面。

5.Resealts There are two different result of 29 strains identified by ATB Expression and manual method.结果鉴定29株细菌其中有2株细菌仪器与手工法的鉴定结果不符。

6.The apppcation of key technique of ATB-25 during construction was studied in order to summarize a reasonable construction scheme.通过对ATB-25施工工艺中的关键技术分析,以期总结一套较为合理的施工方案。

7.ATB is widely used abroad, but seldom used at home. The study on ATB has just started in our country.沥青稳定基层在国外得到广泛的应用,但在国内很少使用,相关的研究才刚刚起步。

8.Apppcation of Crushed Stone Subbase Stabipzed with ATB-30 Asphalt to Engineering PracticeATB-30沥青稳定碎石下面层在工程实践中的应用