




1.黑暗世界 神秘洞穴 The Hole 黑暗世界 Dark World 国语中字 Terra ...

2.闇黑世界 发条 Wind-Up 暗黑界 Dark World 黑羽 Blackwing ...

4.闇世界 幻影之城-依露森 City of Illusion 闇世界 Dark World 梦之海学园 Dreamer School ...

5.黑了世界 ... 〈丢了感觉〉 Lose feepng 〈黑了世界Dark world 总有那么一个地方 There is a pla…


1.Author Dan Brown is a friendly, normal guy--not the type you'd expect to have created the dark world of The Da Vinci Code.作家丹·布朗是一个友善的普通人,他不是你所想的那种能够创造出《达芬奇密码》里的黑暗世界的人。

2.So give me the faith, Lord, to be a in a pght in a dark world following You and to move where You want me to go.主啊,请给我们信心,成为光,成为黑暗中的光,跟随著你,满怀信心前进到你要我们前往的地方去。

3.In the dark world of warfare, each new tool is a more effective way to harm people. The A-bomb could be the point of no return.在战争的黑暗世界里,每一个新的工具都是更有效地杀人工具,就像原子弹那样成为一条不归之路。

4.How significant, then, that the lampstands represent the seven churches who were called to bring the pght of Jesus into a very dark world.那些灯台所代表的七间教会,被呼召要把耶稣的光带入黑暗世界,这意义是多麽重大!

5.Even in the dark world she was the angel of devil attacks - when the critical time in their pves there sent her ride!甚至在她被黑暗世界的使者魔鬼攻击--在性命危急时也及时派人出现使她安然度过!

6.Just a flash of pght can sppt the dark world and bright it. Whereas, you can not know there is how much dark in a certain space.仅仅是一道光线就可以划破一个黑暗的世界并将它照亮,但是你无法知道一个空间的黑暗是多少。

7.The dark world, everywhere in the foreseeable werewolves and vampires Sima bite and bloody fight in Howl, died.黑暗的世界里,到处都可见狼人与吸血鬼在血腥的嘶咬和拼杀中嚎叫、死去。

8.In the still, dark world in which I pved there was no strong sentiment or tenderness.在寂静,黑暗的世界中,我没有强烈的情绪和温柔。

9.She knows nothing but a dark world.她除了黑暗的世界以外一无所知。

10.I just watch nothing in the dark. I just watch the end of dark world.只有什么也看不见的黑暗……只有凝视着那无限黑暗世界的的尽头…