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1.In Lago Agrio, Ecuador, he told me, one of the biggest environmental lawsuits in history is being fought out in a jungle court.在拉戈阿格里奥,厄瓜多尔,他告诉我,在历史上最大的环境诉讼一被打了一个丛林法庭进行。

2.Our route led us through northern Italy, where we stopped at the beautiful Lago Maggiore, shortly before entering Switzerland.我们的路线需要穿过意大利北部,进入瑞士前我们停在美丽的马焦雷湖休息片刻。

3.Modular bookshelf system designed by Daniele Lago.由DanieleLago设计的模块化书架体系。

4.Take day trips to the gorgeous university town of Perugia and the Lago di Bolsena.花上一天时间游览佩鲁贾和拉戈迪博尔塞纳华丽的大学城。

5.Nevertheless the plaintiffs filed a claim against Chevron under this law in 2003 in a court in Lago Agrio.然而在2003年阿格里奥法院,起诉人对雪佛龙就此法规提起赔偿诉讼。

6.Loomnie, who blogs from Germany and originally hails from Lagos, Nigeria makes the connection between rural and informal economies in Africa德国博客Loomnie,原籍Lago尼日利亚,指出非洲非正规经济和农村的关连