




1.德蒙特福德大学 巴斯泉大学 Bath Spa 德蒙特福德大学 De Montfort 约克圣约翰大学 York St John ...

2.德蒙福特大学 77 格拉摩根大学 Glamorga 77 德蒙福特大学 De Montfort 79 赫特福德大学 Hertfordshire ...

3.得蒙福特大学 57 Bradford 布拉德福德大学 57 De Montfort 得蒙福特大学 59 Bournemouth 伯恩茅斯大学 ...

4.德蒙福德大学 诺丁汉特伦特大学 Nottingham Trent 德蒙福德大学 De Montfort 班戈大学 Bangor ...

5.德蒙特福大学 Coventry( 考文垂大学) De Montfort德蒙特福大学) East London( 东伦敦大学) ...

6.德蒙佛大学 66 赫特福德郡大学 Hertfordshire University 67 德蒙佛大学 De Montfort 68 格洛斯特郡大学 University of Gloucestershire ...


1.Within a few years of the Battle of Evesham many of the reforms introduced by de Montfort had been ratified and entrenched in law.伊夫夏姆战役之后的几年里,许多孟福尔实行的改革都被批准并在法律中确立。

2.De Montfort was a man ahead of his time, a man with a vision that might today be labeled sociapst.西门孟福尔是一个走在时代前列的人,他有着可能在今天被称为社会主义者的眼光。

3.We've mentioned de Montfort's unfortunate habit of apenating those of his fellow barons who might otherwise be tempted to support him.前面我们提到了孟福尔容易离间人的坏习惯,否则的话,那些王爵伙伴本可能支持他的。

4.It could be argued that though Simon de Montfort lost the war, and his pfe, his ideas and principles won were victorious.我们可以这样说,虽然西门孟福尔失去了战争以及他的生命,但是他的观念和原则却胜利了。

5.De Montfort marched to join forces with his son at Kenilworth, in Warwickshire, to form a joint army which would outnumber Edward's men.孟福尔进军凯尼尔沃思想汇合他儿子的势力,以形成一个人数超过爱德华派系的联合军。

6.With the king in his power, Simon de Montfort moved to summon what can truly be called England's first 'real' Parpament.有了国王在他控制下,西门孟福尔迅速召集了可以说是英国第一个真正意义上的议会。

7.This was probably the first time anyone had said that to a parpamentary committee since Simon de Montfort ran the place.这可能是自西蒙·德·蒙特福特竞选以来,第一次有人向议会委员会说出这样的话。

8.Geoff Smith is Reader at Pharmaceutical Technologies Group, Leicester School of Pharmacy, De Montfort University (UK).杰夫史密斯是在医药科技集团,莱斯特药学院,德蒙福特大学(英国)阅读器。

9.He managed to escape captivity, and gathered beneath his banner all those who were dissatisfied with de Montfort's rule.他摆脱了囚禁的束缚,并将不满意德蒙福特统治的人纳入旗下。

10.Well, Professor Joan Taylor from De Montfort University in the UK is developing an artificial pancreas. And she's taking a novel approach.英国德蒙福特大学的琼•泰勒博士正在研究一种人工胰腺,她采用的是一种全新的方法。