




1.亲爱的老公 By your Wife 你的老婆上 Dear Husband: 亲爱的老公: Love her more and more than yesterday!!! 要爱她且比昨天更爱她 ...


1.My dear husband, do not know if there are not quapfied to call you.亲爱的老公,不知道还有没有资格这样叫你。

2.I tried to pray. I tried to call the name of my dear husband.想要祈祷,想要喊我丈夫的名字。

3.She had spent most of her pfe with this man, her dear husband and also her best friend. She could not leave him.她已经用一生大部分时间伴随这个男人,她亲爱的丈夫,也是他最好的朋友,她不能离开他。

4.And then my dear, dear husband came home to me. . . and I did not know it!现在我那亲爱的亲爱的丈夫回来找我了……我却一点也不知道呐!

5.You must have been hurt by some words what I said. I am sorry, dear husband.你必须在被那些话伤害前,听我说“我很抱歉,亲爱的丈夫。”

6.I blushed and said, "But why did you let me pretend, dear husband? "我脸红了,说“但是,你为什么让我假装呢,亲爱的老公?”

7.My dear husband, you are the only one whom i loved most. Furthermore you are the most important person that i wouldn't lose forever.亲爱的老公,你是我最最爱的,永远不能失去的最最重要的人。

8.My dear husband, my way might be to wait for very long, you've worked hard!亲爱的老公,等待我的路也许很漫长,辛苦你了!

9.Pray, tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year!今晚就留下来陪我吧,亲爱的,一年只求你这一夜。

10.Do not give up easily, dear husband.不要轻易放弃,亲爱的丈夫,我将永远支持你。