


美式发音: 英式发音: ['gævɪn]





1.加文 Gary 加里 Gavin 加文 Geiger 盖革 ...

2.盖文 Gary 盖利 带著茅的人 Gavin 盖文 白色的鹰 Geoffrey 杰佛力 和平 ...

3.贾文 ... Gautier 戈蒂耶 Gavin 贾文 Gaye 盖伊 ...

4.嘉文尔(Mel),另一个则是影片开始不久便“夭折”了的嘉文Gavin),他遗留下的,却是比向家人隐瞒同志身份,更令家人朋友 …

5.家耀 GARY 先锋/带矛或枪的人 GAVIN 战鹰 GEORGE 耕种者 ...

7.盖文将军 Gaston 加斯科尼人 Gavin 白鹰 Gavrie 上帝的人 ...


1.Gavin put a bold face on it when the doctors told him that he would never completely recover from his illness.医生告诉加文他的病将永远无法痊愈时,他装作满不在乎的样子。

2.Jay Simpson, Gavin Hoyte and Kieran Gibbs might [go on-loan], " said the manager after Saturday's win against Wigan. "“辛普森、霍伊特和吉布斯也许(被租借出去),”这位主帅说。

3.However, the British author Gavin Menzies asserts in his book that Zheng was pkely to have traveled as far as the Americas.然而,英国作家加文孟席斯在他的书中声称,郑很可能前往至于美洲。

4.Build a Fuel Cell with a couple of Band Aids, an MEA and a few scraps of stainless steel bug screen by Gavin DJ Harper.建立一个燃料电池与一对夫妇带艾滋病,多边环境协定和几个签名不锈钢错误屏幕由加文的DJ哈珀。

5.They say 20-year-old Gavin Scott is one of the men seen on video released by popce to help find those responsible.他们说20岁的加文斯科特是在警方发布寻求帮助寻找主谋的录像中被看到的男子中的一人。

6.Gavin MacDonald, European head of M& A at Morgan Stanley said the outlook for corporate deals still looked positive.摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)欧洲并购业务主管加文-麦克唐纳(GavinMacDonald)表示,企业并购前景看上去仍然乐观。

7.After she had difficulties caring for her son, Gavin, Don and Kretha took custody of the boy.她没法照顾她的儿子加文,唐和科瑞莎接过了监护权。

8.The alleged victim was a boy, Gavin Arvizo, referred to as "the accuser" .提出指控的受害人是名男孩,叫加文。阿维佐,称为“控告人”。

9.'There's never been more choices for customers than there are today, ' Mr. Gavin said of the competition among browsers.加文在谈到浏览器之间的竞争时说,用户的选择从来没有像现在这么多。

10.Mobster Gavin Smallhouse enters, carrying an envelope. Maggio, a heavy set man in a butcher's outfit, walks over to Gavin.黑帮成员GavinSmallhouse拿着个信封走了进来,Maggio是帮会重要人物,他穿着屠夫行头,走向Gavin。