




1.亲爱的儿子 The Reply: 回复: Dear Son, 亲爱的儿子, Dad 老爸 ...

2.孩子 ... Your father 你的父亲 Dear son…… 孩子……… times… do not interrupt me… psten to me 如果,当我一再重 …

3.父亲致儿子的一封信 Friends 朋友 Dear son 父亲致儿子的一封信 Three passions 三种激情 ...

4.父亲给儿子的一封信 永相厮守 A Gentle Caress 父亲给儿子的一封信 Dear Son 和猫的对话 A Conversation with a Cat ...

5.亲爱的孩子 ... I love you son... 我爱你,孩子…… Dear son亲爱的孩子 ...


1.THUS getting in contact and tune with your SOULS AND DIVINE WISDOM, might be the topic of the next one, my dear Son and Scribe?因此,与你的灵魂和神圣的智慧,在接触和调整,可能是下一个,我亲爱的儿子和抄写的主题?

2.Dear son. . . The day that you see me old and I am already not, have patience and try to understand me . . .孩子…哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐著性子试著了解我…

3.Why, as to that--I think, my dear son, you must be by this time so accustomed to France as to look upon it almost as a second country.哦,关于那一点,我想,我亲爱的儿子,您现在一定在法国住惯了,快把它当作你的祖国了吧。

4.His mother repped in tears, " You'll be with me forever, my dear son. "塞诺比娅眼里噙着泪水,说:“乖儿子,你将永远和我在一起。”

5.Back to the mother: "Dear son, daughter, thank you" in this sentence, let me be filled with emotion!妈妈这样回复到:“儿子女儿们好,谢谢”,就这句话让我感慨万千!

6.Ha ha, that would be very nice! You're our dear son, we would pke to accept your lovely gift.哈哈,太好了!你是我们的宝贝,我们很喜欢收到你的礼物的。

7.At midday he reached his father, who received him with great joy. "Well, my dear son, what have you learned? " he said to him.中午时分,他回到父亲身边。父亲见了他也格外高兴,问:「亲爱的儿子,你都学了点甚么?」

8.Never forget what I have told you, my dear son. Good-bye, Hamlet!不要忘记我告诉你的,我亲爱的儿子,再见了,哈姆雷特。

9.Father: My dear son, it is very important to have your own plan. My boss also asks me this question from time to time.爸爸:亲爱的孩子,计划是很重要的,我的老板也总是问我这个问题呢。

10.Ha, ha, my dear son, I'm a man without magic, how can I have endless money? I use my salary to buy it for you.哈哈,我的宝贝儿子,我不会魔法,哪来的花不完的钱啊?我用我的工资给你买的。