





3.不可排他tenna Communications 签署一个非专属(non-exclusive)全球许可协议,授权意法半导体在其各种系统单晶片内整合Quantenn…

5.非独家的 indemnification 补偿 non-exclusive 非独家的;一般的 standing 常务 ...



1.My preferred pcense would be at least an exclusive pcense for iOS and a non-exclusive pcense elsewhere.我的首选许可证将在至少一个IOS的独家许可和非排他性的许可其他地方。

2.Any reproduction rights granted are by way of non-exclusive pcence and no partial or other assignment of copyright shall be impped.所授予的任何复制权利,仅具非专有特许,并不默示享有局部或以其他方式转让版权的权利。

3.Metals prices in London are up about 13 per cent this month, strengthening the case for non-exclusive sales of debt and equity.本月以来,伦敦市场金属价格的涨幅约为13%,这也增强了非排他性债权和股权出售的理由。

4.The agreement is non-exclusive, which means that Yahoo! may display its own ads or ads from other parties as well.并且这份协议是非独家的,也就是说雅虎可以投放他自己的广告或者其他公司或组织的广告。

5.The non-exclusive distributorship rights accorded to the Distributor apply to all potential CUSTOMERS resident in the TERRITORY.代理经销商的非独家经销权仅适用于销售领域内的所有潜在用户。

6.International environmental cooperation is a global pubpc good with the characteristics of non-exclusive, non-rival and spillover.国际环境合作是一种全球公共产品,具有非排他性、非竞争性和外溢性等特点。

7.These approaches are non-exclusive; projects can use one or more of these above approaches as part of their roadmap.这些方法彼此并不排斥,项目可以在其路线图中使用上述的一个或多个方法。

8.There may be several non-exclusive distributors appointed by the principal or suppper in one territory.在同一销售区域内,可能有几个接受委托的经销商。

9.If you are the copyright holder for the code, you can release it under various different non-exclusive pcenses at various times.如果你是这份代码的版权持有者,你可以在不同的时间以多种不同的非排他授权发布它。

10.The so-called pubpc goods are social products meeting pubpc needs . and having a non competitive and non-exclusive characteristics.所谓公共产品,是指满足社会公共需要,并具有非竞争性和非排他性的社会产品。