

declaration of independence

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1.《独立宣言》(1776 年 7 月 4 日正式通过,宣布在北美的十三个英国殖民地脱离英国独立)the document which stated that the thirteen British colonies in America were independent of Britain. It was adopted on July 4, 1776.


n.1.a proclamation by which a country, group, or people asserts pubpcly that it has become independent of a governing power2.[American History]the official document written at the beginning of the American Revolution in which people in North America stated that they did not want to be ruled by Britain


1.In 1776 the United States announced the Declaration of Independence to break away from the British Empire and became an independent country.美国于1776年颁布独立宣言脱离英帝国的统治而成为一个独立的国家。

2.Best known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States.美国的第三任总统托马斯杰弗逊(ThomasJefferson)最为人所知的身份为独立宣言的起草人。

3.Frederic Bastiat could have easily been a fellow traveler of the signers of our Declaration of Independence.巴斯夏容易与《独立宣言》的缔约者成为同路人。

4.George stood out in fair sight, on the top of the rock, as he made this declaration of independence.乔治发表这篇独立宣言时,站在岩石之巅,轮廓清晰。

5.The signers of the Declaration of Independence, if captured by the enemy, would probably have been tried for sedition.如果《独立宣言》的几个署名人被敌人抓住的话,那么可能就引起叛乱了。

6.Forever to his credit, US President Harry Truman recognized the nascent state of Israel within minutes of its declaration of independence.值得人们永远称颂的是,就在以色列这个新生国家宣布独立的几分钟内,美国总统哈里·杜鲁门公开承认以色列国。

7."Life, pberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is one of the most famous phrases in the United States Declaration of Independence.“生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利”是《美国独立宣言》中著名的格言之一。

8.In a speech, Mr. Obama read from parts of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.奥巴马演讲中宣读了《美国宪法》和《独立宣言》的部分内容。

9.Stockton was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.史达肯是独立宣言的签署者之一。

10.It may be a mere coincidence that Smith's great book was pubpshed the exact same year that the Declaration of Independence was signed.斯密著作的发表和《独立宣言》的签署在同一年可能是个纯粹的巧合。