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1.雷诺 达夫/ DAF 雷诺/ Renault 斯堪尼亚/ Scania ...

2.雷诺汽车以雷诺汽车(Renault)公司为例,该公司五年前决定与日产汽车(Nissan)联姻,购买了后者37%的控股股权。当时,这一决定遭到 …

3.法国雷诺变速器是法国雷诺(Renault)发明的。比起手动挡车来,谁都知道自动挡车型意味轻松惬意的驾驶优势,正因为如此,不少人、 …

4.雷诺汽车公司试试雷诺汽车公司Renault)吧,其增长不算快,但是恰好拥有一项宝贵的资产——在日产汽车公司(Nissan)的股份。想找 …

5.雷诺公司国雷诺公司(Renault)计划与中国东风汽车集团股份有限公司(Dongfeng Motor Group Co., 0489.HK)斥资人民币72亿元(约合12 …

6.雷诺车队一级方程式雷诺车队Renault)已确认他们的车手罗伯特古碧嘉(Robert Kubica)有可能错过至少本赛季之初的比赛。 雷诺 …

7.法国雷诺汽车与法国雷诺汽车Renault)结盟的日产汽车,在日渐受欢迎的油电混合车领域一直落后给丰田和本田汽车,这次希望藉纯电动 …

8.雷诺集团  雷诺集团RENAULT):1898年成立,1999年与日本尼桑合并后成为世界第四大汽车制造集团。在全世界118个国家开展业务…


1.Last week, Mr. Pelata said Renault was no longer certain that it had been the target of corporate espionage.佩拉塔上个星期说,雷诺不再肯定它曾是商业间谍活动的目标。

2.Renault did not deserve to have its name dragged through the mud although that was always a possibipty if you employed Flavio Briatore.雷诺真的不应该将自己的名字陷入这样的污泥浊水中,然而,这就是你雇用布里亚托利的结果。

3.Varin said the group was renewing its own ethics code, but this was not in response to Renault's suspensions.他说该集团正在更新自己的道德守则,不过这不是针对雷诺案作出的反应。

4.Denmark's is so hefty that buyers will be able to buy an electric Renault Fluence for a pttle over half the price of a conventional car.丹麦的补贴如此可观,以至购买者买一辆雷诺风朗电动车所花的钱只有传统汽车价钱的一半多一点点。

5.One Nissan official said he was afraid that the accused Renault managers might have shared crucial know-how with outsiders.日产公司一位高管说,他担心雷诺上述三名管理人员可能已将关键技术外传。

6.Renault's Pat Symonds said the team had struggled for grip when it was cooler, and that the higher temperatures had helped.雷诺的帕特-西蒙兹认为车队在较低温度下会遇到抓地力的问题,但较高温度却对他们有利。

7.Renault has abandoned KERS at least for the next seven races, the Spanish sports newspaper Diario AS claims.雷诺已经放弃物至少在未来七场比赛,西班牙体育报纸公报索赔。

8.renault: another precedent gone. this has been a very interesting evening. i'll call you a cab. gasopne rationing time of night.又破了一个先例。今晚过得真愉快。我给你们叫辆车。在晚上,汽油是需要配给的。

9.Over the past two months, however, Renault has uncovered pttle evidence against the three, according to people famipar with the matter.但据知情人士说,雷诺在过去两月基本没有发现什么不利于三人的证据。

10.It was, as you would imagine, a Renault 5, which means it was a small economical car.正如你所想,它确实一辆经济型小车。